Sunday, March 18, 2007


I am an athlete, still agile and strong,
I revel in sports, in action, in play
I love to live life all the day long
But that's not my identity I'd have to say.

I'm a good son, and father and brother,
My loved ones would say I'm a good family man.
I respect my siblings, my father, and mother
But that's not who I am in the overall plan.

I'm compassionate, generous, and support to the end
If there's a need then I'm a call away
I have many people who say I'm their friend
But that's my identity on any given day.

Success in business has come easily to me
My peers say I am honest and straight
Acumulation of things has been easy to see
But that's not who I am, that is no debate.

So who am I, if I am none of these things?
What belonging does my heart prod?
Where does my true identity lie?
I'm a Treasured Child of the Most High God.

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