I receive compliments about my blog, my writing, and I am truly grateful that it is appreciated, but in the stark light of day I know that I don't have answers, that much of what I write, that is laid upon my heart comes from common sense things most all of us know, but sometimes just haven't brought it into focus. Perhaps I'm like a magnifying glass, allowing people to see a little clearer what they already know, and for that I don't deserve praise. Solomon said that there's nothing new under the sun, and I have to agree with him. Too often we think something is fresh, and new, and exciting, only because we don't know what's gone on before, we are ignorant and blissfully happy as a result. But the more we learn, the more we expand the parameters of our knowledge, the more we see the tracks of others who've gone on before... A few more thoughts, from the cave, and then I'm done...
Today dating has become a lost art. Where once romance had the opportunity to grow, and blossom, and bear fruit, today it is squeezed into a crash course, a time-sensitive, non-commital, "make a mistake and your out" scenerio... Once, before the intenet, and cell phones, text messages, IMs, we had to wait, we had to learn patience, we learned to savor... Today, it's instant gratification, and if it's not met then it's "too bad, we tried", and on to the next. We set up ourselves up for failure, and disappointment. And those of us who have been burned in the past make the possibility of success even more remote, for we decide we are not going to compromise this time, or "settle" (I hate that word) for less than we deserve. The focus is all on "me", and that is a receipe for failure.
Relationships are all about compromise, not from one person, but both sides. It's the art of negotiation tempered with love. It's being willing to sometimes "settle" for a little less in order to get so much more (and for those of you who refuse to "settle" for someone you might like but is not up to your "standards", be really grateful God doesn't have that attitude toward you. Here's a bulletin being passed around heaven about you- your sh** stinks just like everyone else's...) (Actually, my name was on that bulletin, but I intercepted it and scratched it out and out your name in there. Sorry).
Relationships are all about compromise, not from one person, but both sides. It's the art of negotiation tempered with love. It's being willing to sometimes "settle" for a little less in order to get so much more (and for those of you who refuse to "settle" for someone you might like but is not up to your "standards", be really grateful God doesn't have that attitude toward you. Here's a bulletin being passed around heaven about you- your sh** stinks just like everyone else's...) (Actually, my name was on that bulletin, but I intercepted it and scratched it out and out your name in there. Sorry).
Too often we think compromise means giving in, but have you ever really looked at the word? It's made of two parts, "com" and "promise". "Com" means with, or together, or jointly, and "promise" is a declaration or reason to expect performance, especially with the expectation of success, improvement, or excellence. So putting it all together, compromise means to jointly promise to perform in a manner that promotes success, improvement, or excellence. I think that definition is much more palatable than "to make concessions", as Webster's defines it... I know I fall far short relationally, (or I'd be in a great relationship right now!), and although a patient man in many areas of my life, I am impatient relationally. Perhaps I need to step back, and learn more, before putting myself out there... I don't know, but it's food for thought...
I think healthy compromise comes from knowing oneself, knowing what is truly healthy in a relationship, knowing what is acceptable adult behavior...compromise with resentment destroys even the best of foundations. I, for one, must step back and assess a situation for the good of the whole and ask myself many questions in the process. Having somewhat successfully shaken off many things that no longer hold relevance in life and never really did, makes compromise an easier path... and if not compromise... simply and completely agreeing to disagree with "end of subject" when one can see that in the whole scheme of a relationship that the "disagreement" really matters not.
Dear C:
Again your comments are well thought out and accurate. I liked your comment on compromise with resentment; very true. I also agree that it can be very healthy to learn to be able to "agree to disagree". Unfortunately, for too many people the important thing is being right, rather than being together...
I agree needing to be right often supercedes some peoples desire or want to be loved and accepted by their partner. Unfortunately, that bespeaks to me either a real control issue or an insecurity issue, both of which are often intertwined like grapevines and create pure power struggles which also have no place in a relationship ... my thoughts.
As Always C, your thoughts are right on... I think control issues stem from insecurity or lack of self-esteem more than all other causes added together... And yet, life can take what we hold onto so tightly, what we think we control, in a breath, or an instant...
yes life can... and yes control issues I also believe are rooted in lack of self esteem and even a need to be right
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