As a Christ-follower my focus is to become more Christ-like. He embodied perfect love, he was selfless, and merciful. And he was a man's man. He was intellegent; he was physical. He was Merrill-Lynch before Merrill-Lynch was thought of, because when he spoke the world listened. Time after time he faced down the most noted scholars of his day, those religious authorities that fed their sanctimonius legalism down the throats of the people; he overturned the money-changers' tables and chased them out of the Temple for their dishonest and legalistic practices- drove them out all by himself. He was fun. His first miracle was while attending a party. He was a force. He is my example. My purpose is to love selflessly, and to stand as Protector against those who try to lead the innocent astray... It is my purpose to live here on earth for Him and be united with Him when my time on this earth is over.
But take him out of the equation and what is there? Then, this life is all there is. Our life ends with death. There is no more. So what happens? This life becomes one big "grab all you can" session while here, because there is nothing else. No eternal hope, no eternal purpose. This is all there is, and that sucks. Life becomes selfish and self-centered, because doing for others is a waste of your time... That is depressing...
How can atheists deny the existence of God? If the majestic
granduer of nature isn't enough to validate the existence of a higher Being, of a Creator, then certainly they can't deny the natural laws that science, not religion, has established, which disprove the very theories of chance, or evolution. The very laws of Thermodynamics (specifically the second law) disproves the evolutionary process as a viable theory. Therefore, if an environment doesn't evolve up then we didn't start out as a single-cell aemeba which finally crawled out of the sea... We must have been created as intelligent beings in the first place, as is recorded in Scripture, the Word of God, who must exist despite any unbelief... With all the enormity of the cosmos, the vastness of creation, man must be incredibly arrogant to think it's only about him, that something so grand, so majestic could be left to chance. Personally, it takes a greater leap of faith not to believe in God than to accept the evidence of Creation and acknowledge Him... I think I'd have to be an idiot not to believe...

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