Well, in last week's game I tried to expand those limitations and ended up straining an oblique muscle... This week I thought I'd play, even though it was still sore and tender. Well, true to form, I re-aggrevated it, which turned out to be a real blessing, despite the ongoing pain...
I came home from this week's game and popped a Vicodin and climbed in the hot tub out on the deck. And then it happened. It began to rain. I figured I'm sitting in a tub of water so why not stay out? And I sat back and watched an incredible storm blow in. Suddenly, the skies were filled with lightning- not just a flash or two, but bolt after bolt, some low below the clouds, some within or above the stratas, illuminating the multi-layers overhead. And then the thunder started, low and rumbling, a continuous roll that built in cresendo until the very air vibrated against my wet face. The wind was constant, whipping the trees into a frenzy, snapping the air with cracks not unlike a cattail snapping against the hide of a bull. The sheer, raw power of the storm dwarfed me, magnified my insignificance in the scheme of nature. I was awestruck by the majesty and ferocity of the storm. It seemed to take on it's own persona, like a prizefighter landing blow after blow to it's victim Earth... I couldn't help but sing out "Majesty, worship His majesty..."
It came to me that God could create such a storm by merely speaking it into existence. Just as he created the Earth, the heavens, the entire cosmos by merely saying, "Let there be..." There is the source of true and awesome power. But that isn't the most amazing thing. The most amazing thing is that this God of awesome power, the creator of the entire universe, loves me enough to adopt me into his family and call me son... As insignificant as I am in the entire scheme of things I am most important to my Creator, my God, my Father...
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