Any good poker player will study his opponent for "tells". A tell is an unconscious tic, or gesture, or habit that gives away the fact that your opponent is bluffing, or, in essence, lying. Tonight I discovered a tell, not of myself, but of our president.
Let me f

irst say that I respect the office of the Presidency, and believe that whoever holds that office deserves our support until that time that they disgrace the office, until they prove themselves unworthy. I believe that the antics of the President this past November election have shown him to be unworthy and a total disgrace to his office and his Country- my Country. Tonight, watching an interview he gave on CBS' 60 Minutes, I discovered Obama's "tell". When he's bluffing, or lying, his lips move. That's his tell.
Tonight he told America how he has tried to reach out to the Republican Party leaders during his first two years. I ask you Mr President, were you reaching out when you told them, just after winning office in 2008, that you won and they'd have to do things your way? Or was it when they refused to back your irresponsible spending, and you accused them of standing on the sidelines sipping a slurpy while YOUR party tried to get the car out of the ditch? Was it when you told them they'd have to "ride in the back"? Or perhaps when you called Republicans "the Enemy"? Mr Obama, Rosa Parks refused to ride in the back and as a result we had a civil right revolution in this country. No one has to "ride in the back" any more. I would think, when you make such incindiary comments, that you could appreciate how far we've come as a country, and we won't tolerate your reverse discrimination- not now, not ever. As for "reaching out", you have been the most polarizing, most divisive, most intolerant president ever.
Perhaps if you weren't so narcisisstic, so arrogant and full of yourself, you might actually pay attention to what the country screamed at you this past mid-term election. But like all narcissists you are so sure of yourself, of your agenda, that what others think really doesn't matter. But you have shown your true colors- not a President of "change", but a politician that will say anything and everything to sway a vote, without regard to the consequences when you fail to follow through... You were going to be transparent, remember? But you rammed through your health care bill, despite the objections of the majority of the country, and when you didn't have the votes you used back door politics, underhanded politics to force it through. Your first two years are marked with legislation loaded with earmarks and stink of cronyism. You have been no better than the "Good Ole Boy Politicians" you belittled and ran against in your campaign, and indeed you've shown yourself to be worse than many.
I wonder if the country knew of your involvement in the whole story behind Sherrie Sherrod, how she got you, as a Junior Senator from Illinois to reopen a settlement of a case she instigated on behalf of black farmers (in 1997) so that additional farmers could apply for compensation, I wonder how the people of this country would react to you... What was the original settlement (in 1999) Mr President? Wasn't it up to $50,000 per farmer, and capped at 1600 farmers? The original case was a class action suit filed on behalf of 400 black farmers, and the settlement allowed for 4x the number of farmers to apply- post settlement. Since she convinced you to reopen it how many claims have been file MR President? I believe over 85,000 claims filed, right Sir? Which is interesting, since there are only (roughly) 39,000 black farmers in America. And who has claimed the most from this action? Isn't it the Sherrod family, at over 13 million dollars? Mr President, is this why you wanted her to resign when she hit the national spotlight? Where is she today? Shouldn't you hold some responsibility for the BILLIONS of dollars out of which our government has been defrauded?
I think it's time for Americans to stand up for what is right, and just, and your actions are neither. America has been the land of a "Silient Majority" for too long. Now we're starting to wake up. Now Washington is going to have to be accountable. My granddaady used to say it isn't wise to poke a sleeping bear- well we've been poked, prodded, and are ready to fight back. This is my space, and these are my opinions, and I have the right to express them, Mr President, without riding in the back, or being an "Enemy". I'm not standing on the sidelines anymore, sipping my slurpy. You poke the bear you live with the consequences. Food for thought...