Sometimes I feel wholly inadequate in my Christian walk. Around others I can "be spiritual", I can talk the talk and walk the walk, even if I don't feel it; in fact I've learned that every facet of the Christian life can be faked, if you will, except one- prayer. Everything else is basically a man to man experience, but prayer is man to God, and I just can't fool God. When I pray my heart has to be right, my self has to be totally and completely honest, for He knows the truth anyway...

So I tell Him, I just don't feel worthy, I just don't feel spiritual all the time, and I often feel inadaquate... And He reminds me that I am not worthy, that I am saved through His grace, and His love, And His mercy. I'm not called to be "spiritual", but to be honest, and transparent, and true to His message, for I am not the message, I'm just the messenger. As for feelings of inadaquacy, He reminds me of some of those giants in our faith:
Abraham and Sarah, considered themselves too old,
Noah, who had a drinking problem,
Issaac the daydreamer,
Jacob the liar,
Rahab the prostitute,
David, who had an affair and had the husband murdered,
Elijah, who was suicidal,
Jonah, who ran from God,
Peter, a common fisherman who denied Christ,
Moses with his speech problems,
Joseph, the abused,
Martha the worrier,
Zaccheus, who was too small,
Paul, the persecuter and persecuted,
the multi-divorced Samaritan woman,
or John the Baptist, the bug-eater, and He reminds me that it isn't what I can do for Him that matters, it's what He can do through me if I only make myself available...
So Father, please grant me the ability to love the people I cannot change, and the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to recognize that the one is me... Amen.
Food for thought...
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