I written in several past posts about vulnerability, (and you can call them up thru the search function and read those thoughts, if interested), especially about vunerability's relationship with our ability to love deeply and completely. The relationship between our ability to experience true love and our ability let down our emotional walls, to put ourselves out there, is unquestioned. However, many people view vulnerability as a weakness, because vulnerability can lead to hurt, and allowing ourselves to get hurt is viewed as a sign of weakness. I beg to differ that point: to intentionally open ourselves up to the possibility of being hurt so that we might obtain a deeper, more encompassing, more fulfilling love is not weakness. No, the state of being vulnerable shows strength- of emotion, of will, of character. To face the possibility of pain for the greater gain is noble, while retreating behind emotional walls, closing onesself off from the possibility of hurt and the surety of deeper love, is the act of a coward.
People who say that they've been hurt in their past and don't want to risk hurt again as an excuse to withdraw are really saying that they took a chance in their past and it didn't pan out the way they wanted so now they choose to just exist emotionally instead of taking a chance on living, on experiencing the joys and excitment life has to offer. Existence vs life. An emotional fortress vs vulnerability. The choice is ours; are we strong enough to make it?
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