I read somewhere, that we do not love others equally, and as a father my first thought was of my children, and how I love them all the same. Yet deeper introspection made me realize that I do not love all my children the same; I can honestly say that I love each with all my heart- in that they are equal, but that's where it ends. I came to realize that each child has impacted me differently, and with each one I have a unique relationship, and that causes me to love them uniquely different from each other. I don't love one neccessarily "better" than another, just differently.
After I was able to come to terms with this epiphany I began to do a little reminicing about past relationships, both within my family and those of a romantic nature. I came to realize that not only do I love those I care or have cared about differently, that love has also changed through the course of the relationship and time... I also came to realize, especially in those of a romantic nature, that sometimes the ability to love was held captive by the past. I found that, especially in one instance, my partner was convinced that she's met "the love of her life", the relationship failed and there would never be another. She'd had a long term relationship after her marraige that also failed, and she wasn't going to put herself out there again and be hurt again.
I realize now that her desire was to experience that "first love" sensation that she once had, and you just can't duplicate love or the experience of love. That's why her second relationship failed. And the ensuing pain didn't allow her to try again- and our relationship failed. Each love relationship is unique, and to try to get it to conform to past ideals dooms it to failure. Let it live, let it grow, experience the new and unique relationship- it's unique to you and your mate, and no one else. It is yours, to share together.