I've had several correspondences lately with a friend, and the subject of "do overs" was discussed- originally I thought I would do somethings differently if the chance were presented, and relationally, I still would probably try to correct errors I made, but after much thought I don't think I would change any of the "major" events in my life, for the ripple effects may cause more harm than good, the "butterfly effect" if you will, might rob me of those things I hold most precious today. If, for example, I lost my kids then nothing in my past is worth changing...
After deeper introspection I cam to the realization that I will gladly play out the hand dealt to me here on this earth, including all the errors, mistakes, and blunders I have made, for in the grander scheme of things I realize that my life is a mere breath. In the larger picture my life leaves no more impression than the hole I leave when I pull my finger out of a bucket of water... For what is three score and ten, or four score years that we are given in the face of Eternity? After I endure my errors of this life I will be given that life that I've been promised... I believe in Eternal Life, for everyone actually. Only some will have theirs in Heaven, and those who choose to reject Him here, in this briefest of lives, will have theirs in Hell... Food for thought...
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