That lying is wrong is virtually a universally accepted tenent, and yet it is violated by virtually everyone. Little white lies, lies of ommission, lies about our past, lies to cover actions, lies to try to avoid trouble- no matter what the form a lie is a lie. It is an untruth, and it erodes the very foundation of any relationship. For truth must be part of the foundation for any relationship to be successful.
So why do we lie? The first lie was told in the Garden of Eden, when Satan first approached Eve and tempted her with the forbidden fruit. "You will be like God", he said, "if you only eat of the fruit. God forbid it because He didn't want you to be like Him". A crafty lie, and a crafty argument. After all, who wouldn't want to be like God? And that first lie destroyed a relationship, between man and God. God later restored it, but it remains in a broken state as long as we live in a broken world...
Ever since that first lie the art of lying has destroyed relationship after relationship, because you can't trust a liar, for you can never be sure they're telling you the truth. And without the inability to trust the relationship is dead, or soon will be. Our world is full of lies. Our courts, our politicians, our advertising, TV, our workplaces- we are bombarded by lies all day long. Is it no wonder people find it easier to lie than to be truthful? Lies cover up; truth reveals.

The beauty of telling the truth, and this is a lesson so few have learned, is that you don't have to remember anything when you're honest. The truth is the truth- there's nothing to remember. And yet when we lie we must remember the lie, for more often than not we end up building on it. Lie upon lie, until one day the house of lies we built comes crashing down when we stumble or get caught in one of our untruths... Lies cover up- truth reveals. To live an open and ahthentic life is one of the greatest and most rewarding challenges we face today. And yet so few are willing to step up and meet that challenge. I will, and I hope you will too.
Food for thought....
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