God gave us two eyes, two ears, and one mouth, clearly a two-to-one ratio of eyes to mouth and ears to mouth. I propose that perhaps the message we need to learn is we should listen twice as much, and look twice as hard, before speaking... If we see and hear more effectively we will naturally increase our understanding and reduce the number of times we speak errantly, or, open our mouth only to insert our foot.
And yet, what of the nose in out facial math theory? One nose, but two nostrils. Is the nose like a facial Switzerland, placed in the middle of the face to keep the peace? I think not.The nose is crafty, for it is the purveyor of smells, sending the sweet aroma of baked goods, the fragrance of roasted meat, the many myrids of smells we experience when cooking, shopping, or eating to the brain, which in turn sends the message to the body- "Stuff some of that good stuff in my mouth!" When we fail to look or listen before speaking the nose uses it's ability to shut the mouth up.
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