Thursday, August 10, 2006


I offended someone today, almost a stranger, but not. I made an innocent mistake, but how could they know? I apologized, and realized that saying "I'm sorry" leaves me totally vulnerable to another, to their free will to accept or reject me, despite my sincerity, my heartfelt sorrow... As I pondered the situation I came to better understand how incredibly blessed I am to have a "grace-full" God, who promises to forgive me when I come to him and ask forgiveness for my many blunders.
Extending grace isn't very popular nowadays, for it isn't easy to do, and most often the course of least resistance is followed; be hurt, be angry, strike back, or walk away... Self indulgent responses... If we emulate Jesus Christ we must turn from those self-indulgent desires and learn to forgive. To forgive is to give up our right to get even, to lay aside our hurt for the sake of reconciliation.

God chooses daily to forgive us, and, through the sacrifice of his son, he extends forgiveness and grace. How great is that! And today, a stranger I offended chose to forgive me, to lay aside their offendedness and allow me the opportunity to make things right... How neat is that!

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