Monday, December 23, 2013

New Math and the Debt Ceiling...

I read an article this morning that quoted Treasury Secretary Jack Lew as saying unless the debt ceiling is raised the government will run out of money to borrow sometime in late February or early March. Now, I've posted the numbers before- monthly our government takes in $250 billion dollars, but spends $315 billion a month. that's a $65 billion dollar shortfall every month! Our public interest obligations are about $23 billion dollars each month so we have approximately $227 billion to spend. Now as a business owner I know that if I spend more- significantly more- than I take in each month in revenues I won't last long at all. So why do we allow our government to operate this way? I posed this question to my accountant, an elderly man, and his response was quick and harsh- "Because the people haven't revolted yet! Do you have an AK-47 and plenty of ammo? The day is coming and it's coming soon!"
I had an interesting idea this morning. Try this on- if we quit over spending by $65 billion every month and instead took that money and gave one million dollars to an elderly person on social security, or a homeless person, or someone who needed help, then taxed that million at 28% this would be the result:
Every month we would create 65,000 new millionaires.
*At the end of one year we would have created 780,000 new millionaires.
*At the end of one year we would have created $218.4 billion dollars in new revenue.
*If we continued this program for one decade we would have helped 7.8 million people and created $2.184 trillion dollars in revenue.
*This does not include any new revenues that might be created by the investment of these funds, or new jobs, businesses, or other private sector actions. What a stimulus for our economy- and it would be a tremendous example of government supporting the private sector!
I am certain that I could find far more than $65 billion in fat in our government budget- bringing our spending into balance with our revenues- and take the excess and invest it in our people who truly need help. We know there is billions spent in fraudulent welfare, social security disability, Medicare- virtually every government-run handout program is not well monitored and is rife with fraud. (If it was well monitored we wouldn't have the fraud!).
Perhaps it should be mandatory that before running for political office one should have to take a basic course in accounting and one in business. We have many, many lawyers in politics- what we need are sound businessmen and accountants who realize how to balance a budget...
Food for thought...

Sunday, December 22, 2013


I was up early this morning, and out plowing snow, as we're getting blasted with 6-9" of the white stuff. When I came in I flipped on the TV and poured a cup of coffee, then set down to relax. There was a Catholic service on, and they were doing Communion. I often watch or try to experience different services, and try to keep an open mind towards other religions that differ from my personal beliefs... 
The thought that went through my mind as I watched was how regimented and formal their service is- even their prayers were written out and read- there didn't seem to be any of the intimacy, the personal relationship that I enjoy with my Lord. I found myself feeling sad, for what I thought they were lacking. Yet, at the same time I recognized the reverence and awe they displayed that is sometimes lacking in more "intimate" services I've experienced...
I'm glad I have an intimate, personal relationship with my Lord, but this morning I was reminded that He still demands reverence, awe, when I come to Him... I have heard it preached that we should be intimate, for as our example Jesus Christ prayed, "Abba, Father", which translates "daddy"... Yet, upon deeper research, it really doesn't translate "daddy" at all, Rather the translation is "Father". Three times this term is used in the New Testament, this Aramaic word in the Greek text, and in all three cases it is immediately followed by the Greek term for "Father"... While "Abba" may be more intimate in Judaism it is still a respectful term of "Father"...  
Father, please remind me, as I come to you intimately, to give you the proper reverence you demand and deserve...

Food for thought...

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Pope Francis, Really?

Up until now I had kind of liked this new Pope, Pope Francis, but after reading (parts) of his latest missive, (some 50,000 words) I'm surprised at his attack on free enterprise. He seems especially aggressive against the US, wealthy people, and trickle-down economics. He points out that:

"Some people continue to defend trickle-down theories, which assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world.
This opinion, which has never been confirmed by the facts, expresses a crude and naive trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power . . . Meanwhile, the excluded are still waiting."

I guess the Pope isn't aware of our country's more than two hundred years of prosperity under a free-enterprise system. Further, we are the envy of other nations for our prosperity- where even those living at a "poverty level" in the US would be considered "wealthy" in many nations across our globe. To Pope Francis I say it seems the facts do confirm the opinion.
Further, it needs to be observed, that during the past term and a half under Obama, as he claims to try to "even the wealth out" (another word for Socialism) the wealthy have rebounded and the middle class and poor still struggle. We saw the same disparity in socialistic and communistic societies throughout history and the world. Only in an unfettered free enterprise system do we see opportunity for everyone to get ahead, to succeed... Socialism demands big government and big government creates dependence on it from its people. Dependence on government strips the individual of the incentive, the right to succeed in a free market. Dependence creates social entropy, inefficiency.

Pope Francis also attached the "sin" stigma to wealth. He claimed that free-enterprise was "unjust at its root", leaving the poorest with no means of support, which "is a grave sin". He wrote:

 "Just as the commandment 'Thou shalt not kill' sets a clear limit in order to safeguard the value of human life, today we also have to say 'thou shalt not' to an economy of exclusion and inequality. Such an economy kills."

I caution you Pope Francis, to be careful defining sin, for though you lead the Catholic church you are still but a man, and it is God who defines sin, not us. I remind you Sir, as you attack the "idolatry of money" as you call it, that scripture does not say money, or having money is wrong. It says, "The love of money is the root of all evil". Money itself is a tool to aid us in our lives. To say that we need to redistribute the wealth is, in essence, to take from the wealthy that which they earned to give to others who may not have applied themselves as vigorously in their attempts to earn money. Coveting and stealing are sin, (as God defined in the Ten Commandments), and taking from the "rich" to give to the poor is nothing more than Government sanctioned stealing because you covet what they have. Far better to ask those who have to help those who have not- in allowing individuals and the church to help those in need is far more efficient that having the Government do it, where we've already seen their inability and inefficiency to monitor and get help to those who really need it. With the government in control we see vast and repeated abuses of the system. History confirms this as fact, not opinion. History stands as judge of how free enterprise and small government create wealth for all classes- and it's called trickle down economics Sir. Our past prosperity speaks for itself.
Food for thought...

Friday, November 22, 2013

Tranquility, and other random thoughts...

It's a hectic and ever-changing, fast-paced world out there, and sometimes we need to pull back and find some tranquility, some peace to re-center ourselves. Duc de La Rochefoucauld (or the Duke of Rochefoucauld, a French line of dukes dating back to the 10th century, so I'm not sure which to credit) once said, "When we are unable to find tranquility within ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere." It really doesn't matter whether it was said last week or last century, it is a truth that transcends the ages. Peace comes first from within. Peace, tranquility, is found in solitude, but today people are more and more afraid to slow down and discover the benefits of solitude. Personally, I think they are all too often afraid that who they discover when alone is not the person they desire to be... Solitude has a way of stripping away all the false veneers society coats us with and revealing the stark essence of who we are. And that can be a scary thing...

On another topic, we often find ourselves stealing time from those who love us because we are trying to please those who care about us the least. Why is it that we tend to treat those closest to us so poorly sometimes? Is it because we are secure in their love and ultimate forgiveness? I see people trying to please strangers, while ignoring those who love them and crave their attentions. One of the greatest blessings I've found is spending time with my parents. As they grow older (now in their mid 70's) I realize that our time is limited, and each visit is a chance to make a memory. Conversely, they constantly express how much they enjoy my dropping in once or twice week, and encourage me to do so even more. Isn't that time better spent than trying to please someone who really doesn't care about me? That's some food for thought...

Another axiom it pays us all to remember is that it takes years to build up trust, but only seconds to destroy it. Trust is one of those things in our lives that we need to protect, like our hearts, as precious and irreplaceable. When we destroy trust, especially in an intimate relationship, it can be rebuilt, but it will never be as strong as it was prior to destroying it.  Rebuilt trust is a fragile thing...

Here's a thought- if you find yourself on the edge of a cliff, the best way to move forward is to back up. Sometimes we are so stubborn about reversing ourselves that we remain in peril, we tightrope along the edge of a cliff, rather than backing up and re-evaluating the situation and trying to find a better course of action...

Lastly, keep a sense of humor, especially about ourselves. Taking ourselves too seriously is killer, while a good sense of humor is money in the bank. A good attitude can often control a situation that you have no hope of controlling. I have a note on my bulletin board in my office to remind me of just that. It says, "I cannot control other people or circumstances, I can only control my reaction to it."
Food for thought...

Monday, November 18, 2013

You know the honeymoon is over when...

Obama has had a long and glorious honeymoon with the mainstream (left-wing) media for some five years now, but you know the honeymoon is over when the late-night talk show hosts and political cartoonists turn on you. Many of the Hollywood community are extreme left (especially Letterman) and embraced Obama as some kind of mix of God and guru. But the screw seems to have turned... Below are some recent dandies that made me chuckle. I hope you enjoy as much as I did:

Q: What's the difference between
Obama's cabinet and a penitentiary?
A: One is filled with tax evaders, blackmailers,
and threats to society. The other is for housing 
--David Letterman
Q: If Nancy Pelosi and Obama were 
on a boat in the middle of the ocean and it 
started to sink, who would be saved?
A: America ! 
--Jimmy Fallon

The liberals are asking us to give Obama time.
We agree...and think 25 to life would be 
--Jay Leno

Q: Have you heard about McDonald's'
new Obama Value Meal?
A: Order anything you like and the guy behind you 
has to pay for it. 
--Conan O'Brien

Q: What's the difference between
Obama and his dog, Bo?
A: Bo has papers. 
--Jimmy Kimmel

Q: What was the most positive result 
of the "Cash for Clunkers" program?

A: It took 95% of the Obama bumper 
stickers off the road. 
--David Letterman
Good laughs- and Food for Thought!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Slapdown for the ACLU...

Finally an appeals court with some kahunas. The US Court of Appeals in Chicago reversed a lower court decision this week and effectively banned the contraceptive mandate in the new healthcare law, stating it did violate owners' and corporations' religious rights by forcing them to cover contraceptive costs when they are pro-life. The response by the ACLU was precious:

“This decision is a disappointment,” Louise Melling, deputy legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union, said in an e-mailed statement. The organization said it filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the case. “Your boss shouldn’t be able to discriminate against you because of what he or she believes, plain and simple. People are entitled to their own religious beliefs, but they don’t have the right to impose those views on others.”

Louise, I agree with you that each individual is entitled to their own religious beliefs, plain and simple. To that end I say that if your beliefs conflict with those of your employer you have every right to find employment elsewhere. There's nothing that says you have to stay and work in an environment that has contradictory views to your own. As a small business owner I say this to you Louise; How dare you, or the government, or employees, or anyone try and impose your beliefs on me, plain and simple. How dare you tell me what I can or can't believe in my own company! I am creating the jobs, paying the employees, paying taxes, positively adding to the economy, and I have every right to run my business as I see fit within the confines of the law. Who are you, or your organization to tell me what I can or can't project as a business? If an employee doesn't like our work environment they're welcome to leave. By the same token, if they accept my money, and if they like their job and desire to stay, then they are tacitly accepting my/the company position. That's life in the private sector.
And, to remind you Louise, we were established One Nation Under God by our founding fathers. Did you get that, you and your ACLU cronies? Under God- not despite God. You were allowed to live and flourish in America, despite your contrary beliefs, because we accepted all. Now you consistently and constantly try to remove God from our world. I believe in separation of church and state, but that's far different from "elimination of church from state". It would pay for you and yours to learn that distinction too.
Food for thought...

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Today I feel like sharing some of those quotes, sayings, quips that I've heard or collected that touched my heart or my funny bone... I hope you enjoy...

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them, and every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are." -Anonymous

"When someone you love becomes a memory the memory becomes a treasure."

We are too broke to buy anything.
We already know who we're voting for.
Seriously. unless you are selling thin mints
"Wine is better with age. I am better with wine."
"If I turn up missing I want my picture put on wine bottles instead of milk cartons. That way my friends will know to look for me."
"25 years ago we had Ronald Reagan, Johnny Cash, and Bob Hope. Now we have Obama, no cash and no hope."
And to my siblings:" We are different flowers from the same garden." And, "I smile because you are my sister. I laugh because you can do nothing about it!"
"I'm so busy I don't know if I found a rope or lost my horse!"
"Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning you need two hearts and a diamond. By the end you wish you had a club and a spade."
And finally, my two favorites:
"Sweat is fat crying."And,
"Sometimes I laugh so hard tears run down my leg!"
Don't be afraid to laugh today. Laughter can be such a stress reliever!
Food for thought...

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Jigsaw Puzzles...

It's been a stressful week- and sometimes I don't handle stress all that well. I forget that there's a higher power that is in control, that I can rely on Him to deal with my stressful situations. Instead, I tend to carry it all myself and internalize until I find it affecting my life habits, my sleep...

This morning, driving into work, I had a genuine moment of lucidity, where I was able to actually see the big picture. I'm much more of a big picture person than a minute detail type but my job often requires me to be very detailed. Hence, I tend to get caught up in the details and forget what the big picture is all about. Life is not just about the details- they are secondary to the big picture, yet they are also an integral part of getting the big picture right, for if we get the details wrong it can skew the big picture...

Our lives are like a big jigsaw puzzle and the details are the pieces. As we try to get the pieces [details] together right we begin to get an idea of the overall picture. But sometimes we get stuck in an area, and we work and stress and flounder trying to complete it when it is far more beneficial to just pull back and examine the big picture. Does it look right so far? Is there another area that would benefit from our attentions? If so, leave the stressful area and work on another area of your picture [life]. Sooner or later something will break and you'll find the piece you've been missing. (It's called "All in God's time") and your troubled area will be alleviated... And in the end you'll have a picture all your own- a picture that is your life, in all  it's troubled, ragged beauty...
Food for thought...

Guest Columnist: Peter Morici

Today I want to share the thoughts and words of Peter Morici, professor and columnist at University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business. He pens many of my feelings as eloquently as I could myself. Please read the following:

To end the government shutdown and raise the debt ceiling without accepting any meaningful GOP conditions, President Barack Obama has resorted to falsehoods, wounded American democracy, and damaged U.S. global leadership.

The president has accused the House GOP majority of refusing to pay bills Congress has already racked up, not doing its job, and defying the outcome of the 2012 election.

The $17 trillion outstanding national debt funded past spending, and raising the debt ceiling is all about the government spending more than it taxes going forward. The Constitution requires that revenue bills originate in the House, not the president's desk. If Obama wants to spend more than the country can afford, it requires him to negotiate with the House — that's where the framers put the money.

 The House was given this power, because it is closest to the pulse of the people, who, in 2012, elected a majority of representatives promising to cut spending and reduce deficits.

Obama's victory in the 2012 presidential election turned on many issues, including immigration, foreign policies toward China and in the Middle East, and the environment. It is disingenuous to say his election affirmed voter support for the Affordable Care Act.

Poll after poll — at the time the ACA was passed, during the election, and now — revealed the majority of Americans don't like the law and want it substantially revised or repealed. The ethnic breakdown of election results indicate Obama's victory was much more the result of Gov. Mitt Romney's inability to appeal to Latino and Asian voters.

Each month the government collects $250 billion in taxes, and if the Congress decided not to raise the debt ceiling, Secretary Lew would have adequate resources to pay the $23 billion in interest to the public.

Each month, the government spends about $315 billion. If the House judges the resulting accumulation of $65 billion in new debt to be too burdensome — as the public has repeatedly expressed by electing conservatives to the House — the president has a constitutional duty to negotiate with the House rather than demand "clean bills" and spend as he pleases. The House would be derelict to simply roll over to presidential demands for powers the Constitution does not provide.

To pressure House Republicans, Treasury Secretary Lew has purposefully cultivated fear in financial markets by falsely stating the United States must default if Congress fails to raise the debt ceiling. That would only happen if he failed to establish appropriate priorities for the $250 billion in taxes collected each month.

His doomsday rhetoric makes the U.S. government appear inept and irresponsible, has eroded the primary standing of U.S. securities in global markets, and will weaken U.S. economic leadership in global forums for many years to come.

Senate negotiators have come to a deal acceptable to the president that reopens the government and raises the debt ceiling, and House Democrats and moderate Republicans will likely approve it.

The president's victory will be accomplished through deception and demagoguery, by violating the will of voters expressed in the 2012 congressional elections and the Constitution, and damaging U.S. global standing. Those are mighty high prices to pay for a president's refusal to negotiate changes to a healthcare law voters clearly want changed and reducing budget deficits voters want slashed.

Well said Peter Morici... Food for thought...

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The US Debt Ceiling: The Illusion of Default...

I have listened to our politicians from both parties, our president, administration officials, and all the "experts" all talk about how catastrophic it would be if we don't raise our debt ceiling and pay our debts. I truly believe it is nothing more than scare tactics to get America to accept raising the credit limit on our government credit card. And, as most of America is sadly under-informed, it seems to work time and again. But let's cut through the scare talk and look at the facts...

Our government brings in $250 billion dollars of revenue each month. We pay out in interest about $23 billion in interest payments- the remainder is what we use to run our government, pay social security, Medicare, Medicade, our soldiers, et al. That's two hundred and twenty seven billion dollars per month. To put it into perspective, that is two hundred and twenty seven thousand million dollars each month. And our politicians can't seem to create a budget that balances. On an annual basis that's $3 trillion dollars to budget, or three million millions! Most of us can visualize the enormity of a million dollars- now multiply that by three million more and you start to realize the enormity of our government waste...

One ex-treasury official spoke out yesterday, concerning the debit ceiling and the threat of America's default. Interestingly enough he wasn't playing Chicken Little like all other "insiders", claiming the sky is falling with our default. Instead he proposed an interesting solution. It seems that a part of our $17 trillion dollar debt is money our government actually borrowed from itself- some $2 trillion dollars worth of debt. He proposed that we forgive the money we owe ourselves- that $2 trillion dollars. The only debt we would default on then would be debt we owe ourselves. Our government would instantly be $2 trillion dollars under its ceiling and we wouldn't face another debt ceiling crisis for about two years- if we cannot curb in Obama and the Senate Democrats spending. If we do manage to curb it we may never reach that ceiling again...

 Personally, I'd like to see a budget that accounts for the $2.724 trillion dollars we have left after our interest payments. Constitutionally our Congress is required to pass one. Constitutionally the President is required to present one. Why have we gone the entire Obama presidency without a budget being passed? The Republican House of Representatives have presented several budgets, only to be shot down in the Democratic-held Senate, who then chose not to offer one of their own. The President has done nothing to offer a budget- why? Because if there are no budget restraints Obama and the Democrats feel they can spend whatever they want on whatever they want! They have nothing to hold them in check, and, consequently, they have run up more debt than every other president and administration combined! It's time we stand up, as Americans (forget Democrat or Republican, Libertarian or Independent) and DEMAND an accounting of all the revenues our politicians spend, demand a budget, and demand to cut wasteful spending.

I'd like to see a constitutional amendment that ties a politician's term to the performance of his duties. If they fail to do their constitutionally mandated job, like passing an annual budget, we should be able to remove them through a special election and install someone willing to do the job. And that means it starts with the president and flows down. If these political "lifers" knew they could be replaced every year they don't perform I'd be willing to bet they'd put aside all this partisan rhetoric and get the job done!
Food for thought...

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Politics is Negotiation and Compromise...

I am as frustrated as anyone over the seeming endless gridlock in Washington and for a long time I wondered why seemingly reasonable can't somehow get along. As an independent voter, and a fiscal conservative I often voted for the candidate that best reflected my views despite their political affiliation. In my thinking that was the most responsible way I could affect change with my vote. However, it has become increasingly clear that when getting to Washington something happens to the ideology of politicians and suddenly they become partisan instead of responsible. I will repeat that thought- it is not possible to be responsible and partisan as a politician. Partisan politicians are like sheep- stupid animals easily manipulated by the will of the shepherd...

I was watching the Sunday morning news shows this morning and Dick Durban, the #2 Democrat in the Senate was asked if the Republicans were 100% wrong and he and his Democrats were 100% right and while he didn't answer directly (as any good politician learns not to) it was clear he felt his side was completely in the right, as was noted by the host, Dick Gregory. His Republican counterpart, to his credit, said there is blame on both sides... Dick Durbin only needs to look in the mirror to see where the majority of blame lay- not because of ideology or difference of opinions, but because of attitude.

For a political system in a democracy to work there must be compromise and the willingness to negotiate. The gridlock we face in Washington is because we've become so partisan that compromise has become a dirty word. And "negotiation" has become an accusation rather than an option. It certainly doesn't help when our "leader", our President comes out publicly and repeatedly saying he refuses to negotiate with the "other side". Instead he casts all the blame for Washington's problem on them when, in reality, it begins directly with him! I guess when politicians are on the campaign trail they can say whatever they need to to get (re-)elected without any regard to the truth. I remember Obama promising to "bring Washington together", and to "be transparent" in his administration... What a liar! Not only has he been the most divisive president ever- constantly blaming past the administration, or the current Republican house for his lack of leadership and poor record, but he's also pressed some of the most "back room politics" that Washington has ever seen. The perfect example is the affordable care act, better known as Obamacare. Let's look...

This "transparent" president didn't have the votes to pass this massive train wreck of legislation so instead of working it into something acceptable to the majority he and his Democratic puppet Nancy Pelosi shoved it through using very devious and unscrupulous procedural legislation. Pelosi even told congressmen, "If you want to know what's in this vote for it and you can see it." How's that for transparent? Now, our President has chosen to exclude big business and congress form Obamacare, while forcing the rest of us to join or be penalized- despite the fact that his administration isn't close to ready to handle the rollout, as we saw as the on-line site crashed in  a matter of hours. But what is the real reason that Obamacare was forced upon us? Was it a desire for "affordable healthcare", as touted? No, because already we find premiums are higher and coverage poorer than before. So why?

In a word- power. Obamacare is a power grab by Obama. I read a quote this past week that socialized medicine is the first step toward Socialism. By controlling healthcare the Government controls about one-sixth of our economy. The more people the government gets dependent on them the greater control it exercises over their lives. We are a step closer to Socialism thanks to Obamacare and that is the true agenda of Obama. He believes in taking from the rich to give to - wait, he just wants to take from the rich and give to the government, because he is the government! In his five years he hasn't made thing better for the middle class, like he campaigned on, and clearly the "rich" are carrying a heavier tax burden under his administration. So who's he helping? Himself, his administration, and his cronies in Congress. No one else. He's never held a private sector job so he only knows government handout. That's why he wants to grow government- it's all he knows! But the reality is he has no business being in politics- as is true for many congressmen from both sides of the aisle- if they are not willing to negotiate in good faith or compromise. The art of compromise is the benchmark of a successful politician (see Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton).
Food for thought...

Thursday, October 03, 2013

The Reality of Relationships...

I've written a number of times that I'm relationally impaired, and sometimes it's done somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but the reality is that in life we don't seem to learn nearly as much from our successes as we do our failures. In that light I am vastly qualified to write on successful relationships, even without regard to any scholastic training I may have acquired. I feel compelled to write today because a young couple I know recently split up, and it bothers me after hearing why.

Relationships are not easy. I've heard people say that "It shouldn't be this hard" and walk away, but the reality is relationships take work. Love is not easy. And there is a huge difference between loving someone and being "in love". When you are "in love" you feel an emotional rush, but love isn't really emotional. Love is time and commitment. Neither of those are emotionally based. Love takes time to develop. It is the growth of friendship beyond friendship. And it is commitment to the other person that you are in it for the long haul. You are not going to bolt at the first sign of trouble, or even if things get "too rough". That emotional rush is hormones, it's infatuation, and that always ebbs and flows. A relationship that loses that "in love" feeling can regain it, but if it loses it's commitment it's doomed...
Love can be (and will be) messy, and sometimes ugly. Why? Because the deeper into a relationship you go the more you are willing to become vulnerable, and with vulnerability you begin to show your "warts" - those things you tend to hide in the dating process. (Just a side note- when dating you should realize that this is as good as it gets, because people tend to put their best side forward when dating...). As you trust your partner more you tend to show more of your insecurities and faults. In a loving relationship these are accepted and compromise is developed. Any successful relationship is gifted in the art of compromise.

I shouldn't really be surprised that this young couple failed in their relationship for one of them lacked commitment from the beginning. I won't go into detail, but suffice it to say a relationship cannot survive without commitment- commitment to the mate, to the relationship, to the family. There is nothing more important than family- and usually we don't learn that lesson until we've lost it. Nothing- not friends, nor profession, nor possessions can ever replace the hole created by the loss of mate or children. Sometimes we rationalize the importance of these other things, but none can measure up to the importance of family...

I haven't said anything new today but sometimes truths need to be repeated, to be remembered. A relationship cannot survive without trust and commitment. If you sabotage the trust and fail to commit you can rationalize all you want, but you killed your relationship. Relationships are two-sided, and it takes both sides working to make it work. If both sides desire the relationship to work then there's always hope- for you are on the same side, the same team. Then it becomes a matter of both parties saying, "This is the barrier that separates us. What can I do to tear down that barrier?" If both parties are trying to remove the barrier it is soon no longer an obstacle. Usually if falls through compromise...Successful relationships learn the importance of compromise...
Food for thought...

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

To Jim...

I've written before that I am pretty much a loner, in fact in one of my most recent blogs I likened myself to an island. There have been many, many acquaintances in my life, many people that I am friendly with, but through the years there have been very few that I have considered a tried and true friend. As I was mowing the grass yesterday my thoughts were with one of my rare friends, for he has been ailing lately, and I have been concerned.
As I mowed I tried to remember the origins of our friendship, of when it was that he penetrated my defenses and went from acquaintance to friend. I've known Jim for well over twenty years, first from attending the same church together. But then, in 1991, as I was faced with a divorce, I hired Jim to represent me. As it turned out I wasn't just hiring an attorney I was making a friend- a better friend than I had any right to. Jim kept me on the high road throughout my ordeal when it would have been far easier to get down in the mud like so many divorces revert to. And when he saw the stress beginning to overwhelm me he took it upon himself to arrange a day of stress relief- in the form of paintballing. That was the seed of our friendship, and I'm forever grateful that he cared enough to plant it, and then to nurture it, for our friendship has been a real blessing to me.
Through the years Jim and I have shared too many meals together to count, played tennis, shared thoughts, experiences, laughs and tough times. I was blessed to share the same building with Jim the last several years he worked. Many days we would sit in one another's office and just share, just be friends. It is a rare and beautiful thing that we all too often take for granted until something happens and we find ourselves stripped of that friendship. I really believe that both Jim and I were always aware of how special true friendship is. I always cherished him calling me "my friend" in his Georgian accent, for I truly felt the genuineness of his friendship.
Today I learned that Jim's cancer, that he'd battled into remission for several years, had spread throughout his abdomen and treatment wasn't an option. My heart is broken at the thought of losing one of the few really true friends that I have, but that's just me being selfish. I know Jim, and I know his walk with the Lord, and I'm confident that for Jim death holds no sting. In that Jim and I were very similar- I find the prospect of meeting my Lord far more appealing than life on this earth, but like Paul said, we run the course laid out for us so when our time comes our Lord will say, "Well done my good and faithful servant"... To my friend, my dear friend, I say, "well run my friend. You ran the course laid out for you, and you stood by your principles and convictions. You were and are an inspiration. I only pray I can run my race as well. I love you my brother."
I will miss you Jim. But where you will be know that I follow, and I will see you again Brother. You can bet the farm on it...

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Cult of Catholicism...

So there's rumblings of changes in the Catholic church... There's talk of revisiting the celibacy issue for priests (which, personally, I believe is not a scriptural basis for priesthood- rather a manmade regulation). There's the Pope's shake up of the Roman Vatican... And now, there's a "new" stand by the Church as to the requirements to get into heaven...

""The Catholic Church is basically saying there are people through grace who can come through. Whether or not it's through Jesus … they can still make it to heaven."

Wow. Where in Scripture does it say this!? Matthew records Jesus telling the people that the "wide gate and broad road leads to destruction" and the "narrow road leads to life." Clearly, in his teaching Jesus teaches, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6). Seems pretty clear cut to me. No one gets to heaven except through Jesus.

In college one of my good friends was raised a Catholic, and although a born-again Christian still was a pretty staunch defender of Catholicism. We had some pretty spirited debates, initially began by my comment that Catholicism was the world's largest cult. I challenged him to show me where the Bible says I need to go to a priest, a man, for absolution of my sin when Jesus clearly stated he was my high priest to the Father. I can go directly to him... There were other issues, other discussions, but in the end if a religious group believes that which is contrary to the Bible, then it is a cult. And  this latest "statement of belief" from the head of the Catholic church is clearly contradictory to the Holy Scriptures.
Food for thought...

Monday, September 09, 2013

I am an Island...

Sometimes we hear a song and it just seems to strike a chord, or ring true to life... Today I heard an old favorite, from the early days of Simon and Garfunkel, and it seemed to now define me. ..

A winter's day
In a deep and dark December;
I am alone,
Gazing from my window to the streets below
On a freshly fallen silent shroud of snow.
I am a rock,
I am an island.

I've built walls,
A fortress deep and mighty,
That none may penetrate.
I have no need of friendship; friendship causes pain.
It's laughter and it's loving I disdain.
I am a rock,
I am an island.

Don't talk of love,
But I've heard the words before;
It's sleeping in my memory.
I won't disturb the slumber of feelings that have died.
If I never loved I never would have cried.
I am a rock,
I am an island.

I have my books
And my poetry to protect me;
I am shielded in my armor,
Hiding in my room, safe within my womb.
I touch no one and no one touches me.
I am a rock,
I am an island.

And a rock feels no pain;
And an island never cries.

Sometimes I feel that I am an island, but I know it's an island of my own making- Life is choice, and right now, at this chapter of my life, this is my choice, and who knows what's best for me better than me?

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Recognizing the Whisper...

Last night was a perfect night for a fire so I fired up the fire pit and sat out on the deck. It was an exceptionally dark, cool night, which magnified the warm glow of the fire, As I sat there listening to the crickets and scurrying of the night life around me I suddenly felt so close to God. I was just sitting, marveling at His creation, and He seemed so close.
Remembering that feeling this morning it caused me pause, and I wondered why I didn't feel His presence like that all the time, and I immediately knew the answer. Last night I was still, as we are commanded to be in Psalms 46, verse 10; "Be still and know that I am God". When I was still, when I allowed God's presence to be felt, to be known, I was close to Him. It's those times that I get so busy with "life", when I speed from one thing to the next, when my days are a blur- it's those times that God waits patiently for me to be still and experience Him. He doesn't ever stray from me, rather it is I who stray from Him...
I remember the account of Elijah, on the mountain, when God told him his presence was to pass by. Elijah went out and stood and a great and powerful wind tore the mountain and shattered rocks- but the Lord was not in the wind. then There was an earthquake, but the Lord wasn't in the earthquake. Fire followed, but the Lord wasn't in the fire. And last, a gentle whisper, and Elijah pulled his clock over his face as he stood at the mouth of the cave, for God was in the whisper. Elijah heard, and recognized, when he was still before the Lord (1 Kings 19)...   
The thing we don't often hear or remember about that story is when confronted by God Elijah chose to complain to the Lord- to boast of how zealous he was and complain to God how God wasn't holding up his end of the deal. He (Elijah) was all alone! And God responded, telling him to return, for he was not alone, there was a remnant of 7,000 that were faithful to the Lord. Elijah saw his own circumstance, God saw the whole picture. All too often I find myself blinded by my circumstances to appreciate the big picture. I fear that in my rush, my arrogance, and in my inability to be still on a consistent basis I hurt my Heavenly Father... I'm sorry Abba, I'm sorry Father...

Food for thought...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sequester Cuts 1, Obama 0

I was reading today that the government deficit in 2012 actually dropped from 3.6 trillion to 3.54 trillion and is on track to dip below 3.45 trillion by September, the end of fiscal 2013. Originally, in 2011, our deficit was forecast to peak 4 trillion by 22014. So what do we owe this dramatic turn-around to, and why isn't this more newsworthy?
The answer- the sequester cuts, and Democrats and the Administration don't want to call attention to it. Why? Because the sky hasn't fallen, the world didn't stop turning, and we didn't plunge into the next Great Recession again as they predicted. No, our society is more than capable of absorbing a piddley 5% cut-back- most Americans cut back much deeper than that these past few years- and it's time our government learned to do the same. It's time we get spending under control. So what's the new line coming out of the Administration?
Obama is offering the House, currently controlled by the GOP, a "balanced approach" to the 2014 budget in exchange for cancelling the sequester. Personally, seeing the deficit drop two years in a row for the first time since the Korean War is encouraging. Obama is like our over-paid, spoiled professional athletes, who sign a contract, get what they want, then cry and whine and try to renegotiate. Here's a thought- honor your word Mr. President. You signed this deal in 2011, received your increase in the debt ceiling, because the House honored their end of the contract, and now you want out of your end. Man up and honor your agreement! All the bad things you predicted didn't happen, all the bad things you tried to fabricate didn't pan out, and now we're finally putting some brakes on your out-of-control tax-and-spend administration. After five years of fiscal failure a reasonably intelligent person would reason that they need to change tactics- so how about it?
And while I'm railing on unjust things coming out of your administration, what's the deal with exempting Congress out of Obamacare? If it's good enough for the masses it should be good enough for our elected officials... Better yet, perhaps it's time to admit that this whole "train-wreck" was a big mistake and just repeal it. A mistake is only a mistake as long as you continue in it. Better to have nothing to show for eight years in office than to have this colossal failure on your record for all posterity...
Food for thought...

Friday, August 09, 2013

Can I Be Present in the Present?

Life is lived only in one place- the present. Unfortunately all too often we find ourselves distracted from life, even as it's happening to us, by the past or the future. I remember so clearly as a boy that "time" just seemed to drag by. Years were measured by halves and quarters- ("I'm seven and a half", or "I'm eleven and three quarters"). I couldn't wait for each milestone to come. I lived often for the future, and it seemed to take forever to arrive.
As I get older I'm amazed at how fast time passes, and often wonder what happened to my summer, or lament on things I didn't get done that I wanted to accomplish, wondering where the time went. All too often I'm distracted by my past. I tell myself I'm going to do things as I look to the future, yet often forgetting that one unchangeable truth- life is happening now. Sometimes I find myself talking to someone, or doing some task, and my mind is on a dozen other things, other places, distracted by was or is to come.
Life is happening now, all around us, and it is in our best interest to learn to live in the moment, to be aware of now, and all that is happening around us. This is life, and this is where our joy and contentment lie. The past is gone, the future may never come, but we have today. We need to learn to own it. By owning each day, by doing what we can right now, in the present, to make our lives better, is the secret to a better tomorrow. No one owes you anything more than you have today. Take advantage of what you have while you have it and refocus yourself on now.

On a separate note, totally unrelated to the topic of this blog, I wanted to share two quotes I read recently, because I found them delightful. The first was from Lawrence Peter who said, "By the time a man realizes that his father was usually right, he has a son who thinks he's usually wrong". The second is even more profound; it comes from John Andrew Holmes who said, "It is well to remember that the entire population of the universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others".

Food for thought...

Monday, July 22, 2013

What is the Real Injustice?

I have thought long and hard about commenting on the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin affair, but after watching congressman after congressman speak today on the chamber floor about the "lack of justice", and "racial profiling", and how we've gone backwards as a nation in our desegregation attempts it's time to speak up.
First let me say that I believe George Zimmerman was over-zealous at the least, and perhaps guilty of something less than murder two or manslaughter. But there was another crime here, or at the least an injustice against society, and it was perpetrated by Obama and his administration. Obama came out, prior to the trial, and interjected his opinion, and in essence made this a race issue- again. No one plays the race card as frequently and as divisively as Obama has. All of a sudden its a black-white issue, never mind the fact that Zimmerman is Hispanic.
Obama sent Eric Holder the Attorney General down to Florida with Al Sharpton (I have a hard time calling him a Reverend, for I think men of God should strive for peace and not constantly stir the social or political pot) to organize protests on Trayvon Martin's behalf. Then, at least four separate times the Justice Department sent people down to help organize TM rallies (they filed expense reports that are public record under the Freedom of Information Act). The Obama administration actively pursued portraying this unfortunate incident as racially motivated.
Then the trial, and Zimmerman is found not guilty of murder or manslaughter and again, Obama stirs the pot, saying it could have been him 35 years ago (which, if it had, our country wouldn't be mired in such a mess as he's created) and justice was not served. Well, I beg to differ. If anyone was not getting justice it was Zimmerman, for Obama and Holder and all were doing all they could to turn the country against him. Then, despite the odds, he's acquitted and the screams of injustice starts anew. What was the purpose of a "fair trial" if the only acceptable verdict is guilty? Did it matter that the prosecution withheld evidence that proved Zimmerman's version as accurate? Did it matter that Zimmerman thought Martin "looked like he was on drugs or something" as told to the police, and Martin happened to be suspended from school for possession, even though the defense couldn't share that fact with the jury, per judge's orders? Did it matter that the only time Zimmerman commented that Martin "looked black" was in answering a direct question from the police dispatcher who asked, "Is he black, white, or Hispanic?" Even though the mass media left out the context of the question when they reported it- so where is the justice?
Four days after the trial was over Zimmerman was driving and happened upon an SUV that rolled over in a traffic accident. He didn't see the accident, but happened upon it. Immediately he stopped, helped both parents and the two kids get free of the wreck, made sure they were okay, then left after the police got there. Amazing amount of press coverage on that, right? Not one major news outlet covered it that I heard or saw...
Nor did I see or hear Obama or Holder flying to Chicago a couple weeks ago when twenty-three people were shot within the course of a week. Where's your indignation over these people who were shot Mr. President? Do you think their mothers' grieve any less, hurt any less? But they don't have you spotlighting their loss. Is it because you couldn't twist any of them into a racial affair? Justice was served Mr. President and a verdict received. Do you want to keep stirring up everyone, or perhaps you should shut your divisive mouth for a change. Here's an idea- try leading our  country for a change. Get out in front and lead. I understand your leading from behind- if things turn around then you'll be in front and you can claim credit you don't deserve...
As for all the congressional people spewing their indignation today let me just say, you weren't slaves, your parents weren't slaves, nor your grandparents or great grandparents... Perhaps back even further- so perhaps it's time to let the whole "persecuted people" thing go. I'm frankly tired of hearing it. And for the record, while your ancestors were in this country as slaves, their African brothers were actively engaged in slave-trading in their own country. So, you're no better than we are. We're all just people- let's all start acting like it. Perhaps the color of one's skin wouldn't matter so much if we'd just stop calling attention to it every time...
Food for thought...

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Beyond the Fourth Deminsion...

In high school I had an English teacher who introduced me to the author Louis L'Amour, a mostly western writer, but one who wasn't afraid to explore outside the box. One of his books, The Haunted Mesa, was based on the Anastasi Indian legend that they came into this world from a hole in the ground, supposedly from another dimension. Now, when I was young I was taught that we live in a three dimensional world, and then at some point later "time" became the fourth dimension. The idea of another dimension, co-existing with our own, and at some point intersecting or interacting with our own was intriguing...
Yet these many years later that book has inspired my thinking outside of conventional thought, especially in light of my Western Judeo-Christian up-bringing. We were taught that when we die we will either "go up to Heaven" or "down to hell", depending on our faith, beliefs, and life. I often wondered where "up there" Heaven could be- beyond the furthest reaches of our solar system perhaps? It seemed awfully far away, especially when we were taught that God was near, in control, and watching out for his children. How so, from way "up there?" And conversely, where is hell? where is "down there"?
I'm finding, with age and study, that which I accepted so blindly when younger doesn't always fit with what I learn today. I do believe that God watches over his children, for the Bible tells me so, and I believe in the sanctity of the Bible.  I also believe God is near, not far away "up there" somewhere. So how does Jesus live in Heaven while his Holy Spirit is here? Here's a hypothesis: Heaven is right here, nearby, just another dimension that we do not see or understand. I believe that Heaven intersects with earth regularly, as God is constant contact with his creation. One day, and only God knows that day, He will set this creation right, cleanse it of its sin and evil and reunite it with heaven- the doors to that co-existent dimension will be opened to his creation.
There's a lot of talk among Christians that we may very well be in the end times, but again, only God knows the day. Early Christ-followers prayed for Jesus' return, and now some 2000 years later we still hope and pray for his return. Peter writes in his second book that "with God a thousand years are like a day, and a day is like a thousand years". Many interpret that to say that it may be a long time before Christ's return; I believe it is just more evidence that God in his Heaven that is all around us, is not bound by time or space. As his created we are bound by our four dimensions- He operates outside any boundaries, for he is the Uncreated. And one day he will cleanse this earth-not destroy it!- and open our eyes and senses to his world co-existing all around us... Beyond the fourth dimension...
Food for thought...

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Mind vs Emotion- The Battle Rages On...

I've been reminded a lot lately about things I've written in the past so I thought I better refresh myself by doing a little reading. I ran across this tonight...
Emotions are a real conundrum, for we rely on our feelings to guide us, yet there is nothing more unstable, and often faulty as our emotions. All too often we act, not on logic or fact, but on our feelings. We do what feels right, we get in relationships because it feels rights, or we act because our "gut" tells us to. Sometimes we get pensive, even afraid to act, even though logic dictates that is the correct choice. Sometimes we are ambushed by our feelings...

I find myself even today ambushed by my feelings. For some time I've been seeing someone who is quite wonderful actually. We enjoy many of the same activities, we enjoy each other's company, we seem to fit quite well in each other's worlds. The problem is that from the very beginning there have also been differences, red flags if you will, that have left me feeling that this is not a "forever thing". We've had frank discussions about them, and even there we have differences, for they were red flags to me, not as important issues to her.
Now I find our relationship at a crossroads, for I have decided to sell out of my business and move down to Florida. Naturally enough this has caused stress in the relationship. The problem is that any time the issue comes up it causes hurt to her, and subsequently I feel badly, guilty. I don't want to hurt her, and I sure don't want to feel bad... Ideally it would be wonderful to continue to enjoy our friendship, our relationship in the time I have left here, but the reality is the closer we get to fruition the harder, more painful it becomes. The logical thing to do is try to minimize the pain and damage now, rather than continue and deal with on-going and increased pain and issues. The head says stop now, end the relationship to minimize the heartache; the heart says continue on because the desire to see each other is still there and so strong.
I am ambushed by my emotions, for they contradict the logical. My heart versus my head. Knowing what's right and doing it are sometimes two different things. And it doesn't make it easier knowing she doesn't want to stop either, and continues to push to continue despite the pain it is sure to cause. What is one to do? In the end, it seems that logic is again the right choice. Am I strong enough to act?
Can I remember my own words from days past?
Food for thought...

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

A Lesson in US History...

Someone once said, (and forgive me for not remembering who), in essence, that when we forget history we tend to repeat it. With that thought in mind, and in light of our volatile political arena, I thought it interesting to look back to another era, when we were in the midst of establishing some of our "constitutional rights", (some of which our current administration is hell-bent on taking away from us). As we struggle with the whole immigration problem, and the amnesty talk, the path to citizenship, et al, I'm reminded of another time in our great nation's history when there was a struggle for freedom, for independence, for citizenship by a segment of our population. The results of that struggle can be clearly found in our 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to our constitution.

To refresh your memory, our 13th amendment abolished slavery. Our 14th amendment granted citizenship to those freed slaves, and the 15th amendment granted the right to vote to all, including women, who were pretty much treated as second class citizens prior to their right to vote. Also, we were a nation of two major political parties at this time, and the votes to pass these amendments ran right along party lines. What is amazing is, the party of the freed black man, the champion of women's rights, was not the Democratic Party- nay, it was the Republicans!

The Republican Party voted 100% to 23% Democratic to abolish slavery, then followed with a 94% support for citizenship to the freed slaves to 0% support from the Democrats. On the right to vote for all, again the Republicans gave 100% support to 0% Democratic support. Blacks and women, the grassroots base that elected this corrupt and divisive administration, the foundation of the Democratic Party, can thank Republicans for their rights and freedoms, for history shows that at least one party is concerned about trying to do things right- and it isn't those progressive, liberal, "give away the farm" politicians that you've been supporting. Perhaps it's time to come home. We welcome you...
Food for thought...

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

FREE SPEECH- A modern day fantasy?

I wonder if we aren't regulating ourselves right into a Hiltlerian existence... Already our right to our religious beliefs are under attack by our government- those who are "Christian" are labeled "far right" and accused of infringing on the progressives' rights. We are being stripped of protections against government interference and are being ordered to do things that violate our very core values.
Our second amendment rights are under attack- the right to bear arms. Anyone who has studied history knows that one of the first things Hitler did- in the name of "for the good of the country"- was to strip Germany's citizens of their weapons, and thus their right to defend themselves against his upcoming tyranny... All that it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing... Dietrich Bonheoffer wrote of his life in Germany during Hitler's reign- it is insightful and frightening- because there are a number of parallels to our society in America today...
Now our rights to free speech are being challenged. Those who choose to speak out against a corrupt or out-of-control government are being accused of "inciting violence", by a government  I take issue with that. Free speech, by its very nature, will probably offend someone somewhere. But to react in violence is not the fault of free speech, rather the fault lies at the feet of the violent ones, and their inability to control themselves or police their own actions. At a very early age I was taught the idiom, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Words are words- and expression of thoughts, ideas, bigotries, even lies or shades of truth... but certainly not violence, even when the words cry out for it. For violence takes action, not words, and we are all responsible for our own actions. To react violently, then blame it on being manipulated by words, is no defense at all.
The Bible says, "From out of the heart the mouth speaks." If you want to know someone listen to them. In due time you will know someone well, just by the words they speak, for that is the overflow of their heart. Listening is a lost art- usually we are busy mentally formulating a response to something said, and anxious to reply lest we forget our point, to really listen to all that's said, and we miss much. And we fail to understand our opponent... Learn to listen, take time to understand who and what you're dealing with, before you react. Then, temper your reaction with the same grace you would desire someone to show you...
Food for thought...

Thursday, June 20, 2013


"WE THE PEOPLE"... The beginning of our Constitution, our road map to our freedom. It further  says, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, and that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." We the people, we are becoming a dependent people, an apathetic people, a lazy people, and soon no longer a free people.

We the people are becoming apathetic, allowing our elected officials to run unchecked. For if indeed we cared we would not re-elect these same people again and again. In business if someone does not perform the way they are trained or instructed they're fired. In politics they're re-elected. And these officials are expanding our government at an alarming rate. We are almost at a point where half our population are in some way government employees. That means anyone in the private sector is no longer responsible for their own welfare- now they're responsible for themselves and one more... James Madison wrote in the Federalist Papers, "In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself." Our officials have failed in at least the second part of this mandate, for it does not control itself. Thomas Jefferson said "the chains of the Constitution" should bind the mischief of government. Senator Ted Cruz said, in a recent speech, that "only when government is limited are rights protected, the rule of law honored and freedom allowed to flourish." Our government, and especially specific to our current administration, our Constitution is constantly circumvented, our rights consistently infringed upon.

We the people are becoming dependent and lazy. The more we allow ourselves to rely on the government the more freedom and happiness we surrender. To maintain its power and control it is imperative that the government grow. To limit government in any way is to allow or return freedom to its citizens. So the government gives to its citizens, or hands out, to curry favor. And citizens accept, and they become a bit lazier as a result, for they have to do less. What they don't realize is their growing dependence on government robs them of their freedom, and ultimately their happiness. For it is in our ability to produce, to achieve, that we realize self-worth, gain self esteem, and find happiness in our satisfaction of achievement. Hand outs never grow self worth or self esteem- never. Ronald Reagan said, "How can we love our country without loving our countrymen, and loving them, reach out a hand when they fall, heal them when they're sick, and provide opportunity to make them self-sufficient so they will be equal in fact and not just in theory?" He understood it's not the handout, but the opportunity that betters mankind. It's freedom, not dependence that betters us!
We the people are no longer a free people, or at least in grave danger of losing our freedom. When we trade freedom for security we soon become puppets of our government. I recently had a conversation with a local businessman, whose company has 50 plus employees, and he was lamenting how many new regulations and taxes Obamacare is impacting on his company. He had spent a day at seminar on all the new regs and was overwhelmed. He said it looked like he was going to have to hire a person just to implement Obamacare, and many questions raised by the business community at this seminar hadn't even been decided yet by the government. Our society, thinking this was such a great thing, allowed Obamacare to be shoved down our throats, and now have no idea how much freedom they gave up to the government, or how dramatically negatively impacted they will be until it's too late. The Congressional Budget Office (non-partisan) estimated that in 2014 health insurance premiums will rise across the country 125-400%- and we the people will be obligated to pay. I won't go into the negative domino effect that will happen to private business here with the implementation of this massive new government program. But it can never be good when the government attempts to control what amount to one-sixth of our private sector GNP. Allowing that control is forfeiting that much freedom. Allowing that control swells the size of our government enormously. We the people, prepare to lose what freedoms you have left, for all too often the acquisition of power leads to a hunger for more, and our government can't get more without depriving we the people of our rights.

In closing, a few random thoughts. This administration claims we need to cut back, i.e.. the sequester cuts we recently experienced, and everyone will have to share the debt burden. The cuts represent 5% cuts in budgets- how many private sector folks have cut back two, three, five, ten times that? I say we've already shouldered our burden. Obama is taking an African vacation estimated to cost tax-payers 60 to 100 million dollars- yet he canceled public tours through the White House as a "cut-back" measure. How many tours can we take with $100million dollars? One hundred and six plus years worth... That's right- for those of you who voted him in, how much does he really have our country's welfare at heart? His wife and kids went to Ireland with him while he attends the G-8 summit, but it wasn't enough to be with him- Michele took the girls to another city, and we the people footed the additional $5 million bill... These people don't care about me or you, or those precious to you. They say one thing but do another, and they're bleeding every penny out of us that they can in the process... WAKE UP AMERICA! before it's too late!

Food for thought...

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Father's Day... Memories...

This past Sunday was Father's Day, and as I took the opportunity Monday to mow the grass I reflected on it, and on some past Father's Day memories...

I have three children, all grown, married, and on their own. I'm a grandfather twice over now. I love my children and love nothing more than seeing them, or hearing from them. But I also recognize that they are busy living lives, raising families of their own, going through all those struggles life puts in our way. So I try to be patient, and tolerant, and accept the time that they are able to share with me. I will occasionally call, or text, to remind them I love them and miss them, but I really try not to impose on them or guilt them into visiting.
I was divorced in the early 1990's, when a father's rights were not recognized like they are today. Despite being told I had literally no chance to get custody of my kids without dragging my ex through the mud, I chose to take the high road and fight for joint legal and physical custody based on the fact that I was a good dad and deserved my kids. I was lied about, smeared, and constantly attacked in court, and after many, many months (several years) I was granted my request... God honors the high road... Still, there were many times I thought how much easier it would have been on me to just pay the money and move on, like my ex was fighting for... Yet in the end it was my love for my kids, and my desire to want to instill in them those things I felt important to achieve success in life that kept me fighting.
I was an authoritative father, (not an authoritarian, for there's a huge difference between the two). There were times I could have done a much better job in my fathering, but being stubborn and hard-headed at times, sometimes too sure of my rightness, in retrospect I could have done better in some of my decisions... Still, I can honestly say that those decisions I did make were grounded in the fact that I loved my children and wanted the best for and from them. Hindsight is always 20-20, and age tends to mellow, still I tend to be one of my harshest critics, so I recognize areas I could have done better... I'm sure I caused resentment in my kids, in differing degrees, but especially in my boys...
I remember Father's Days past when I didn't get even a call or text wishing me a happy day from one or more of my kids. I remember, during times of conflict, wondering if it was all worth it, if my kids would ever appreciate the sacrifices I went through for them, for what I thought was in their best interest... I said earlier that God honors the high road, and sometimes it just takes patience- as both my boys became fathers both have shared at one time or another about the difficulty of fatherhood, and an appreciation for me despite our differences... This year was special. My younger son dropped in on Saturday with his family to wish me a Happy Father's Day. On Sunday I was grilling out for my Dad and Mom and my daughter came over and ate with us and hung for a while. My oldest son is in Lincoln, Ne and I didn't expect to see him, but he did call and we had a nice conversation and visit. (I do miss him)... But, all in all, a delightfully fulfilling Father's Day, for my children all remembered me. Thank you Father, for family. It is all worth the struggle...
Food for thought...

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Focus or Failure?

I always liked the Apostle Peter. It has been opined that he was a brash, impulsive, act-before-you-think type guy, and he probably was. One of my favorite stories about him is found in Matthew 14: 22-33. I'll let you read it at your own convenience, but  it is the story of Peter walking on water.
Now a couple of things to point out before examining the story itself: First, the writer Matthew was one of the original twelve disciples so he would have been an eye-witness to this account- indeed Matthew was in the boat! It is also very probable that he recorded this account after the Gospel of Mark was written to flesh out the account previously recorded- much of John Mark's gospel is thought to have come from Peter, who may have chosen to disclude his role in the account for personal reasons. Now, to summarize the story:
Jesus had been teaching all day and towards the evening he sent his disciples on ahead of him to row to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. They left, he dismissed the crowds and went up the mountain to pray. Meanwhile, a storm arose, and the disciples are fighting wind and waves trying to get across. About 3 a.m. Jesus heads out to join them- and the disciples think they're seeing a ghost, for Jesus is walking out to them on the water! And yes, they're terrified, that gut-wrenching fear that leads some to immobility and others to flee. Even after Jesus calls to them that it is indeed he they're still terrified. Peter, being the brash-acting one, does show he's learned his lessons. The first thing he does is "tests the spirit", or ghost, as he thought it was. Both Jesus' words and examples taught them to challenge the spirits. So Peter does. He says, "If it's really you Lord call me out there with you". And Jesus does. And Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water.
Now this wasn't some little row boat that Peter jumped out of. This was a fishing boat, a large vessel capable of withstanding wind and storm out on the big waters. There were a dozen in the boat and room for more. It was safety, security in the face of the storm. And Peter climbed out. The story says Peter walked toward Jesus. Initially his focus is on his Lord. But the further out he got the more aware of his surroundings he became- and he looked round and started to fear the wind and waves. And he started sinking. Now the story is clear- he's too far from the boat for help, indeed, he cries out to Jesus to "save me!" and Jesus reaches out and lifts him up. Just plucks this burly muscular fisherman out of the brink like it was nothing.
Jesus says to him then, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" His question is intriguing, for Peter was clearly within reach of his goal when he lost his focus and started looking around. I think there's several good learning points here that answer the question. First, it seems that the human condition, one of sin, allows Satan to prey upon us when we're most vulnerable. And we're most vulnerable when we lean solely on Jesus. The closer we get to Him the harder Satan tries to distract us, to attack our faith. Second, we tend to waver in our faith when we lose our focus and allow ourselves to take our eyes off Jesus.
But I must come to Peter's defense here, for there were twelve in the boat and only one questioned, only one acted- Peter. Perhaps a better question would have been, "Oh you of NO faith, wwhy didn't you join us?" Peter wasn't a failure for losing focus and sinking- Peter got out of the boat and WALKED ON WATER! That my friends is faith in action. A little faith, plus a little focus, equals miracles! As my cousin John Ortberg so aptly named one of his books, "If You Want To Walk on Water You've Got to Get Out of the Boat".
Food for thought...

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Time for a new fan...

Poor Obama... I think I need to start a collection up for him, to help him purchase a new fan, for the old one has so much [stuff] hitting it I shudder to think how messy things will be when the dust (or mud) settles...
I'm old enough to remember President Richard Nixon and the whole scandal surrounding his administration. We have not seen such a mess as this current administration finds itself since the days of Tricky Dick. In fact, this administration may be a bigger mess- if that's at all possible! The only saving grace for Obama at this point is that so much is coming to light that some of the crap may fall through the cracks due to the overwhelming scope of the scandals uncovered...

So let's look at the thread that was pulled that started unraveling the sweater... Four Americans were killed in a terrorist attack at our mission in Bengazi. The initial reports were "terrorist attack". All the followup reports out of the region were" terrorist attack". The Obama line?- Spontaneous demonstration gone bad. For weeks Obama misled the country. Why? He was in the midst of a re-election campaign and news of a terrorist attack would have gravely damaged his re-election. So he lied. Why? He's a liar.
The cover-up attempt went bad, and stories began to leak out about Administration intimdation towards inddividuals who wanted to speak out... Now, in the midst of Congressional committee inquiry we're finding out how grossly incompetently the situation was handled by the State Department and Obama administration... And then, another tug on the string...
During the who Bengazi scandal another bomb is dropped... The IRS has been harassing and unduly scutinizing "conservative" groups vying for tax-exempt status. First the IRS reports that it was some mid- and low-level employees in the Cincinnati office. Upon further review- Washington DC aand two other offices are implicated! Response? No high level IRS execs knew of this. Upon even further review? Acting Director of the IRS Steven Miller knew about this practice for more than a year, and after we know he was told about it he either lied or misled Congress at least twice when questioned about it! So the Justice Department has opened an investigation to find out if criminal actions were committed. At the same time we find out that the IRS audited donors to Mitt Romney... And using the IRS to intimidate political opponents is an impeachable offense...
Speaking of the Justice Department, they have their own scandal to deal with, Turns out they secretly obtained some of the Associated Press' reporters and an editor's phone records while seeking to stem leaks in the administration... Clearly this is a slippery slope for the Obama administration to try and tackle, for they are attacking our first amendment rights. This is an intrusion into free press, and it is the ability of the press to be free that helps keep our government accountable. If we allow the administration to continue along the path they've chosen we lose our rights, and ultimately our freedom. This too, is impeachable...
Let's fling one more bomb at the fan and see where the crap lands... Congress hasn't appropriated the billions and billions of dollars that it turns out Obamacare needs to be properly implemented and funded so now we learn that the Department of Health and Human Services, Obama's implementing arm, have been shaking down healthcare executives- healthcare execs in the private sector! Now, I'm no rocket scientist, but if the private sector funds this governmental program it seems only obvious that we've opened the door to several issues. First, the cost will be passed on to the consumer, for that's how the private sector works. So premiums have to go up. Second, those who do help fund will [rightly] expect preferential treatment from the government, which gives them an unfair competitive advantage over other private healthcare providers. Again, terribly shaky policy decisions that must flow from the top down...
Bottom line Barrack, I think you should walk away while the walking is possible. Just resign and move on, for the good of the country. But will you do that? Heavens no! You love the power, the limelight, and you've learned crooked politics and cronyism from the best- Chicago politics, so I expect you will ultimately go kicking and screaming, playing your race cards, telling Blacks and Hispanics, gays, and unwed mothers, liberals and youth to give you one more chance, for you are only looking out for them... Sorry, but even to all those you give handouts will sooner or later they'll
realize what poor choice you were...

Food for thought...

Friday, May 10, 2013


Spring is here, and I'm loving the green, the growth, the promise. Spring is all about promise- promise of what is to be, the promise of what is to come. My cherry tree is in full bloom, as is my pear tree, and my apple tree is on the verge of blossoming too! Flowers have sprouted, some in bloom already, but with the promise of more to come... I love spring.

I read an interesting quote today, from Bernard Baily. It said, "When science discovers the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to find they are not in it." That's a "too true" statement, is it not. I give it an LOL.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Imagination is our spice to life. We develop our ability to imagine as children, as we transport ourselves to fantasy worlds, become caped super-heroes with the aid of little more than a towel, where our dreams become our reality, at least for a short while... Imagination gives us the ability to dream, to hope beyond our circumstance...
Yet as we get older, worldlier, and some might say more cynical, what becomes of our imagination? For it is still there, but now we employ it in a far different manner. Now, thanks to our experiences, we find our imagination worries over life, over our situations, often creating conflict before any ever exists... Our imagination takes in those signals around us, those directional indicators life throws out, and plants them in the fertile soil of our imagination. We imagine multiple scenerios of what might happen, often settling on that worst case scenerio, when the reality is that the vast majority of times those worries are merely fears that never materialize... While it is true that sometimes those things we fret about happen they are the exception, not the rule.
When Jesus told us not to let our hearts be troubled, to not be afraid of life's trials and tribulations, he was talking about this very thing. Don't let your imagination run away with you- don't fret stuff. After all, the Father doesn't need to imagine what will happen to you, for He already knows. For if you are His child you rest safely in His hand, and His desire is community with you, just loving you. Not much to fret about there, huh?, if we have the faith to only believe...
Food for thought...

Friday, April 05, 2013

Personal Human Rights... In the beginning...

I've long been interested in the ongoing debate in Congress over abortion. Ever since Roe v. Wade our country has been divided on this issue. And, although there have been many exceptions on both sides through the years, traditionally Democrats have supported abortion rights and Planned Parenthood, while Republicans have fought against abortion and for the sanctity of life.

Recently a Planned Parenthood representitive, when questioned about the necessitity of treatment for an aborted fetus showing some signs of life, responded that the decision to provide treatment "should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician." This response was troubling to me, for it made me wonder when are we bestowed our personal human rights? The debate has long raged over when "life" starts- is it when a child is born, or is it at conception? Is it somewhere throughout the process as the fetus develops? There are a myrid of opinions, but now a new scenerio is raised. If an abortion occurs, and the fetus shows signs  of life, is it not a living human being? Does it not have the same right to life, to treatment as you or me? When does it's rights begin, under the law?

Personally, I don't believe in abortion, for I value the sanctity of life. That said, how can anyone end the life of a living "fetus", or more correctly, now a child, a pre-born baby, and not consider it murder? Once a fetus emerges from the womb it ceases to be a fetus and is now a child, a living human being. If living, that child has inalienable rights that supercede "the woman, her family, and the physician". It is murder to end that child's life just because the mother chooses not to want it.

I wonder how readily that little life would be ended if the consequence was as severe as if someone ended your life or mine? When do our rights begin? If not at birth then when? When will we wake up as a nation and recognize there is more to this debate than "women's rights"? I believe that, except in the cases of rape or incest, the woman forfeits her rights, as does the man who fathers the child, to the best interests of that concieved child. The problem with our society today is not one of rights, it's one of responsibility. If a man and woman act responsibly then "rights" never come into play. But through their irresponsible actions they create a baby, then decide it's their "right" to abort it. Bulls**t. They lose their rights once they make a baby- now it's time to be responsible for that child they created.

I wonder, except for those exceptions previously mentioned, how many would opt for abortion if there were a penalty for the irresponsible actions that created the pregnancy? What if, to get an abotion  the irresponsible man and woman were sterilized as a penalty to aborting the life they created? (It takes two to make a baby, two should be penalized). I wonder how many would consider the alternative of carrying and delivering that baby, then allowing one of the many, many couples unable to have children to adopt? Certainly there would be less emotional damage via this route than abortion causes...
Food for thought...