Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A Toast...

I have a wedding in August that I am attending, and my thoughts turned to this young couple, just starting out together... I thought, if I had to propose a toast to two people just beginnig life together, what it would be... I think I would propose a toast to true love, and to the two most important components of true love: forgiveness and grace. I think that couples who "make it", who have that kind of relationship that seems to transcend time and troubles, those are the ones who have mastered the art of forgiveness and grace...

We often hear "forgive and forget" but the reality is we really don't forget, and that's not necessarily bad. It is bad when we dredge up past mistakes that are supposed to be forgiven and buried. To forgive means to leave it in the past- forever. It is not fodder for future fights, it is not to be hauled out to guilt our mate. It is like a corpse- dead and buried, but not forgotten, nor dug up. The memory might be there but the rest is gone- untouchable.

Grace is often more difficult. It is the art of extending undeserved forgiveness or mercy for the sake of our relationship. The key is "undeserved" for we tend to want to keep score. Grace doesn't keep score. Love keeps no record of wrongs (I Cor. 13)... A relationship is not a score card, it is two people trying each day to give their mate 100%, for there will be days when we all fall short, and if each strives to give their all there will be plenty to cover our shortfalls. (A 50-50 relationship doesn't have such a saftey net when we fall short, and problems most certainly ensue).

So to this young couple I raise my glass and say, "May your days together be filled with true love, grace, and forgivness, that your relationship may transcend times and troubles. God Bless."

Monday, July 07, 2008

A Fantasy...

If I could somehow live out my relational fantasy, it would begin with a scene much like Richard Gere, at the end of "Pretty Woman" where he comes back to rescue the maiden (in this case Julia Roberts). But rather than that being the end, this would be the beginning of my saga. What greater way to begin a relationship than to rescue the one I love, to meet her peril and to overcome, to be a hero in her eyes. I am her Knight in Shining Armor and she is the most precious treasure of my heart, my Gweneviere, my Maid Mirian, my Eve.

We begin "doing life" together; those mundane tasks that we dread doing alone becomes fun as we work together. But we don't forget the romance, for the journey is all about the Great Romance, those times I can surprise and delight my Love, the little unexpecteds that cause her eyes to light up and her smile to brighten my soul. They are a pittance to pay for the bountiful return of her happiness, for her happiness is my joy, and the circle is complete. And we build life together...

We travel, together; small oasis' of time relief from the monotany of our work days. We enjoy the adventure of new experiences, new places, new memories that will warm us in our later days together. We share joys on our walk of life because we don't forget to take time, to remember each other. And daily her beauty is unveiled before my eyes. No, not just her physical beauty, but the beauty of her person, as I learn more and more of the beautiful princess she is inside...

We are not just lovers, but we are friends, the best of friends, and confide our innermost joys and fears to each other, each our confidant to the other. We trust each other, because we dared to lay our hearts out there and be vulnerable in the beginning and we didn't disappoint each other. My heart was safe with her and I protected hers with the ferocity of life itself. We trust because we've been proven trustworthy... And we build deeper...

Perhaps one day we decide to tie the knot, to link our time, our energy, our lives together permanantly. We have a foundation, and we have established a history. Now we choose to write a new future, together... It is a fantasy, but one I believe is possible, even attainable. Meanwhile, I will not fear to dream...