Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I read something very interesting this week, concerning business... It said (and I'll paraphase here) that we don't really sell goods or services, what we really sell is satisfaction. Our product or service might initially get us in the door but it never guarentees success. It doesn't matter how wonderful a product we have, it doesn't matter how grand we think our service is, we fail if we don't satisfy our customers.As we discussed this, my partner commented that it just seemed like common sense to him. But it is so much more.

I think that the key to satisfaction is found in two things- follow-through and follow-up. It is incredibly important to follow through on things we say or promise to do, and it is equally important to follow up with our customers and clients to see if they are happy with what we've provided. Little things, like promptly returning phone calls, answering questions in a timely manner, etc., show our clients that they are important to us and we care about them. These are things that prompt those feelings of satisfaction. Everyone wants to feel they are important, whether they spend a dollar or a dime. It's our job to treat them so. Treat each and every customer like their satisfaction is the key to your success and you'll be pleasantly surprised to find that it is!
Food for thought... (Personal note: The picture of the sign doesn't really have anything to do with the blog- I just loved it!)

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