Thursday, July 24, 2014

Trey Gowdy

I watched a YouTube video today called "Meet Trey Gowdy" and I believe it is worth watching for every American, whether Republican or Democrat, because in it he asks the questions I hear so many concerned Americans asking... The link, I believe, is (copy and paste). Trey Gowdy was a prosecutor for 16 years before running for Congress from South Carolina
and he's clearly got his head screwed on straight. This is a long video, almost an hour, but in it he addresses everything from the IRS scandal to Benghazi. I especially liked the segment where he's asked to comment on one of his fellow congressmen's comments about congressmen being underpaid...
If ever our country needs strong leadership it's now, and Mr Gowdy would make an excellent Speaker of the House. I believe he would exercise the leadership necessary to stand up to this President, or any president, who chooses to ignore their sworn duties to uphold our laws and/or grab power that is not granted to the executive branch in the Constitution. Trey Gowdy you have my vote!
Food for thought...

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