Sunday, April 19, 2009

Our Most Priceless Commodity...

Our most priceless commodity, of all that we can attain or are given, costs us exactly nothing. Our most priceless commodity cannot be bought, but when we have it we all spend it. It would be nice to think we spend it wisely, but at some point we are all guilty of wasting it. And we can never get it back, but God, if He is gracious, gives each of us more, each day... That gift is time. Time. We all have the same amount each day, to use as wisely or as foolishly as we please. For some of us, this day, or the morrow, or one day soon, we might run out of our time. But there is one truth we can rely on; one day we all run out of time. It is that time, just before those sands of time finish trickling through the hourglass of our lives that we tend to reflect, most often on how we've spent our time. Why do we wait until the end of our time to reflect on how it was spent? Is it that we finally realize that is the most precious thing we have and soon it will all be gone?

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could learn to live aware, to live in the moment, to appreciate each minute, each second of time that we have? Wouldn't it so greatly expand our experiences if we appreciated them while we were actually living them? To enjoy the journey as much as the destination? To not just see roses, but to inhale their aromatic essence, to feel the silkiness of their petals, the harsh sharpness of their thorns? To experience a rose... But we move too fast through our lives to actually slow down and live them. Gotta work to make money to pay bills, and buy things, that cost money to run, or fix, or replace. We have doctor appointments, and soccer practice, piano lessons, grocery shopping, meals to fix, homework to do, TV to watch, games to play, friends to see, places to go... It never ends, and we let it carry us faster and faster through life until each thing on our list is a destination, and the journey to get there blurs into all the others... What if the journey were more enjoyable than the destination? What if that time was well spent? Perhaps our world would begin to slow down, perhaps we would learn that there is beauty and life going on all around us that we never even realized existed... Perhaps our lives would take on a slower pace, but one with flavor, with more substance, with the essence of life, not just existing... Food for thought...

PS. If you tend to disagree with this post all I can say is, by reading this there's several minutes you'll never get back!!

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