Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I Get No Respect...

Today was my day of annual self-reflection. It's the one day a year I've come to set aside specifically to be with myself- I figure if I can stand myself for a whole day then there's hope that others can stand me in smaller doses. My daughter however, doesn't honor my desire to be alone, to wallow in self-pity over my lot in life, and has insisted on injecting herself in my day. Is it asking too much to want one day a year to just be alone!? This year, despite my best efforts to sequester myself away, to seclude myself and tell all I was feeling ill, still my daughter came over to "share" in my day. And my brother dropped by. And this evening both my parents came over and insisted on visiting. Do I get no respect? And to top things off, my phone rang all day. I heard from people that rarely ever call. Why can't I have one day to call my own!? After all , everyone who called said to "enjoy my day". My parents, brother, and daughter, all called it 'my day". Yet I couldn't have it without sharing it with everyone else. So what's the big deal?

Today I turned 51... I guess a birthday isn't the best day to choose to be alone...

Just a PS here... I wrote this tongue-in-cheek. I am not really upset that I had company on my birthday- indeed, I am honored that people chose to remember me on this day. So a heartfelt "thank-you" to all who made my day special...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As you are learning I celebrate everything and so we need to work on getting you to do that. No pouting allowed spidey :-).

I once read that on our birthday a true celebration would be to send our parents flowers or take them to dinner to honor them for choosing to give us life.