Saturday, May 09, 2009

Cayman Comaroderie...

I spent this past week with my daughter, on a cruise to the Cayman Islands. What a wonderful time, and wonderful memories to warm my heart in years to come. A week together sharing a little cabin and not one problem, not one cross word, not one disagreement... I was so blessed and amazed...

There was an incident one day however, that I found very interesting. My daughter and I were out by the pool soaking up some rays when the guy on the other side of Ali started up a conversation with her. She has a tattoo on her wrist and another on her foot. He was questioning her decision to get them, and sharing "wayward" decisions he made in his youth. Both of Ali's tatts have significance to her faith so she began to share with him their significance. Clearly he was a skeptic, and it led him to ask some seriously troubling questions. To Ali's credit, she responded in a non-confrontational manner, but clearly he was trying to trip her up. I decided to inject myself into their discussion.

The first comment this guy says is," I'm 57 years old, and I've found I can ask 5 different Bible scholars the same question about something in the Bible and get five different interpretations on what it means. So who's supposed to be right?" I responded, "I know what you mean; that irritates me too. I wish they would put aside their personal beliefs and interpretations and just take their answer from the Bible without trying to add to what God has to say." All of a sudden we were on the same side of his argument and he went from being irritating to being inquistive. He shared how early in his "search for meaning" in his life he was turned off by religious zealots that tried to force their beliefs down his throat- can't drink, can't smoke, can't watch movies, etc. until he was so turned off that he just walked away from "religion". It sadden me, for I'd heard that same story all too often. There were these same people in Jesus' day- they were called "Pharisees"...

My new friend began to ask questions, real issues that had bothered him, and we engaged in some real and honest dialogue. I think he was a little embarassed, because several times he said, "One more question then we're gonna stop talking about this"... We were still talking strong a half hour later. When we finally wrapped up our conversation he turned to his wife and said, "Honey, I gotta get back to church more often." I couldn't help but think that this was exactly the kind of heart Jesus seeks... When questioned by the religious leaders of his day on why he ate and "consorted" with tax collectors and sinners Jesus replied, "I came to heal the sick, not the healthy." Ifr Jesus came today I think many in our churches would be astounded to find him in the malls, and bars, and places people gather- but not necessarily in their church. I think that speaks volumes ... Food for thought...

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