Monday, June 06, 2011

Tongue, firmly planted in cheek...

I read some comments from a lady who, if I am perceptive at all, didn't have a very high opinion of men. One thing she said was, "Men are like mascara- they run at the first sign of emotion". Now, on behalf of men everywhere I feel compelled to speak up. Two words: Waterproof mascara!. It doesn't run for anything. And for the record, some men are like that waterproof mascara- they'll stick through anything.
And while I'm de-bunking witty little relationship remarks how about the one that says women dress for their men. Women dress for themselves; if they dressed for men they would dress faster... And don't ask us if your clothes make you look fat- there's no correct answer for a guy. If you like the way you look you'd never ask the question; if you have it in your mind that the clothes aren't complimentary either we're a liar or a cad if we answer. It's a lose-lose propisition...
I'm not sure I fully understand the comment, "A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband". I understand the advantage of the guy being deaf, but are women insinuating we men just let ourselves go? That's almost enough to get me off the couch and exercise just to prove them wrong. (Not to worry men- I said "almost". I'm not going anywhere).
Or how about, "The difference between a bachelor and a married man is one longs for the impossible and the other has married her". Now in defense of women everywhere let me say not all of you are impossible (a scary high percentage maybe, but not all!). Boy, I'll pay for that one...
Really though, in today's world a happy marriage would be one who's love flows as deeply as one's debt... And a man does need a wife, and a wife needs a husband. After all, we can't blame everything on the Government... Food for thought...

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