Friday, October 19, 2012

Listen Your Way to a Better Relationship...

I was watching a few minutes of "Two and a Half Men" last night, as I was surfing between ballgames, and noticed that the guest star, a young girl whose name I don't recall, talked incessently. No one could get a word in edgewise when she was talking. This morning, as I recalled that memory, I was again impacted by the thought that people love to be listened to, yet there are so few people who really know how to listen from their heart...

Listening is an art- the giving of one's full attention to another, taking in theire words, their tone, their body language without some part of our mind formulating responses and wanting to interupt, to interject... Listening without judgement is a lost art. But learning to listen from the heart has dual impact- listening and feeling listened to promotes intimacy and closer relationship. And who today doesn't want better relationships? Begin by becoming a better listener...
Food for thought...

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