Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Season of Angels...

I began this post pre-Christmas, but set it aside, for I got busy... Actually, I have no excuse for not finishing... Here it is. Sorry it's late.

Tis the season, the Christmas season, in which we hear the Christmas story once again, and the role that angels played. And yet, although many claim to believe in the sanctity, the validity, the truth of the Scriptures, there seems to be a lag in the belief of angel and demons. All too often we think of angels and demons in terms of their Hollywood portrayals- something fantastic, but not really real. A good story, but the stuff of fairy tales, not reality.
When we examine scriptures however, the case for the existence of angles is overwhelming. If indeed we believe the Bible is God's truth, that it is real and unflawed, then we must believe in the existence of angels, for the existence of angels is taught in at least 34 books of the Bible, and the word "angel" appears at least 275 times. Jesus himself recognized and taught of the existence of angels (Matthew 18:20, 26:53).
There is actually many facts about angels in the Bible, which can teach us much about the celestial beings. Like us humans we see that angels are created beings (Col. 1:16).However, they were created before our world was created (Job 38:6-7) and were witness to creation. They were created in holiness, in positions of authority (Jude 6)but with a free will.
Peter teaches that angels possess intellect (I Peter 1:12), and Luke records that angels possess emotions (2:13). They are spiritual beings, residing with God in the heavens, but also created to minister and serve those who receive God's salvation (Heb. 1:13-14). The gospel of Mark (12:25) seems to indicated that angels do not reproduce after their kind. The needn't reproduce however, for Jesus teaches that angels do not die (Luke 20:35-36).
Though like us angels are created, we are distinctly different from angels Psalms 8:4-5). Angels possess great power (2 Peter 2:11) and their numbers seem innumerable (Hebrews 12:22).
Angels are also a structured group. There is one Archangel, Michael (Jude 9), the most powerful of the Angels. It was he who came to the aid of the angel dispatched to answer Daniel's prayers and petitions. There are Chief Princes (Daniel 10:13), there are Ruling Angels (Ephesians 3:10), and there are Guardians (Hebrews 1:14, Matthew 18:10), for everyone, but specifically for children too.There are Seraphim, which have to do with the worship of God (Isaiah 6:1-3), there are Cherubim, which guard the holiness of God (Genesis 3:22-24), and there are Elect Angels, (I Timothy 5:21).
The ministry of angels is diverse. They ministered to Jesus, beginning with predicting and then announcing his birth, protecting him as a baby, strengthening him after his ordeal in the dessert, and again at Gethsemane. They rolled away the stone and announced his resurrection. From beginning to end Angels were with Jesus during his time here on earth.
Like-wise, angels minister to believers. They have a general ministry of aiding, they are involved in the answering of prayer, they observe Christian experiences and encourage in times of danger. They are interested in the evangelistic efforts of Christians, and they care for the righteous at death,  (I do have scripture references for each of these). They also have a broader ministry, to the nations. Michael is shown to have a special relationship with Israel (Daniel 12:1). Angels are often God's agents in the execution of His providence, and will be involved in the judgement of the Tribulation during the end times. Even unbelievers find themselves a part of angels' ministry. Angels announce impending judgments, inflict punishment, and will act as reapers in the separation of believers and non-believers at the end of the age.
Angels are real. They were here before us, and will be here to the end of our age. Beyond that- how am I to know? But the next time you find yourself faced with an inexplicable situation, or meet someone you just can't explain be careful- you might have just encountered an angel!
 Food for thought...

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