Tuesday, January 01, 2013

TV- Truth or Fallacy?

So I begin this new year on a sad note... I was watching TV last night and a commercial came on promoting "ChristianMingle.com", a Christian dating site. Being a Christian man I listened and was surprised to hear that the partner that God wants for me is found on Cheistian Mingle. This is sad, because currently I thought I was quite happy in the relationship I am in, but if I am to believe this ad then clearly my relationship is not the one God wants for me... Or, Christian Mingle is taking a very liberal licence with the truth. Hmmm...
So, do I believe television, or more specifically, the "Christian" dating organization that says that the partner God has for me is found on their website, which in turn means I must break off the relationship I currently find myself in, one which brings me joy and contentment, or do I believe that my relationship is good and God can ordain it despite the fact that it wasn't birthed through Christian Mingle? If I opt for the latter then I must conclude that TV allows obvious mistruths to permeate the airwaves, which, by extention, calls into question the truth and validity of virtually every "political" report I hear. Personally, I'm happy where I'm at, and I wish Washington would learn how to be forthright and truthful to the people who put them there...
Food for thought...

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