Friday, March 16, 2007


In the car the radio's jamming, at home we live to the TV's blare
Stereos,Walkmen, iPods, as long as there's noise we don't really care.
What is there about silence that terribly frightens us so
Being alone with our thoughts, of who we are or what we may know.
Facing the truth that we're disappointed of the person that's living inside
Makes us build walls of noise and distraction, a shelter in which we hide.

But God has a way of removing all the busyness that blinds our eyes
And making us face our reality, stripping away our excuses and lies.
And when we are finally faced with our inadaquacies and fear
In the depths of our solitude we find our Heavenly Father is near.
This is time to admit, so freely to Him, that we fail
And this is His time to love us, and allow his strength to prevail.

We find that we don't have the answers to those questions deep in our mind
About why we're here on this earth, or what we're expected to find.
We're faced without knowing the meaning of the emptiness of our heart
To dwell on these things without resource is enough to tear us apart.
But to all those who choose to seek Him, and trust Him to answer their plea
To them he's given the promise that through His eternal vision they'll see.

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