Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Dead love...

Love is a powerful aphrodisiac, and the residual feelings of love linger long after the realization that the relationship is unhealthy and over... I was amazed, this past weekend, when I encountered my last love, my last significant relationship, that one of four years duration, at coming face to face with her, how incredibly strong the desire was to respond to the promise in her eyes, the invitation in her body language and demeanor. The memories of all that was good in the relationship, with the unrealistic thoughts that perhaps there was change were almost overwhelming. And yet, the lesson learned, finally, that past behavior is the best indicator of future performance was a cold shower, a reality check, to the powerfully addictive emotions of hope and love...
It made me appreciate anew those who can't seem to leave an unhealthy relationship, who fluctuate between denial and desire, that allow another to dictate or control them. The grip that emotions can be so unyielding if we cannot stand strong against them, for even after the temptation is withstood the memory of past hope, past love, stirs desire- not desire of what will be, but desire of what we wish will be, and that difference, that distinction is huge...Too often the desires of the heart overrides the clarity of the head, but today, this past weekend, the head triumphed over the heart. I am a bit sad, but wiser, for I recognized the reality of future pain is greater than the promise of the rekindled love... But that doesn't make dealing with the emotions any easier...

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