Sunday, December 30, 2012

Obama- Arrogant or just Clueless?

I watched the exclusive Obama interview with David Gregory on Meet The Press this morning, and then the subsequent round table discussion by the normally "liberal" side of the media... I was amazed to listen to our president, who campaigned five years ago on change, on bringing our "broken" country back together, once again this morning throw Republicans under the bus. He said that he was a man of compromise, that the Democrats were willing to compromise, but Republicans just can't say yes to compromise- despite his willingness to "go more than half way". As a fiscal conservative, and an independent voter, who votes for both Democrats and Republicans, I say this to you Mr. President- You have been the most divisive, polarizing president that I have ever experienced in my 50+ years. You have continually blamed your failure to lead on "Republicans", you have repeatedly and publicly ridiculed and demagogue them, either because you are too clueless in your ability to understand how to work with people, or because you are so arrogant that you feel you don't have too. What a way to "bring people together". And believe it or not, my liberal media friends agree!
Personally I don't believe you are clueless. I believe you are one of the most arrogant, deceptive, self-centered people I've ever seen, and, as a voter and tax-payer you technically work for me. Had I the power I would fire you, and put someone in your place that really understands negotiation, who doesn't allow his ego to get in his way, and perhaps some of this Washington gridlock would dissipate. But I don't have that power, nor are there enough like me to do it. You see, I'm a small business owner, who, during your administration has taken a 75% paycut in order to keep my key employees on, who believes our country will one day rebound despite your attempts to spend us into bankruptcy. As a business owner I understand the principle that you can only spend what you bring in, I understand how important it is to balance a budget- do you know what a budget is Mr President? It's that Constitutional thing you've ignored passing during your entire administration. Instead, you continue, in your arrogance, to spend like there's no accounting, no tomorrow to worry about. Then you go on TV and tell all those people you've given handouts to just how wonderful a job you're doing "protecting" them.
Tell me Mr. President, where does all the money come from that you want to spend on all these handouts? Let me tell you- it comes out of the pockets of the hard-working minority of Americans like me, who have to support not just myself, but also almost half the country you've got on one kind of" entitlement" or another. You talk about the everybody needs to sacrifice, the rich need to pay a little more, and you talk the talk but don't walk the walk. You just came back from a "family vacation" in Hawaii. When I go on vacation I pay for it. Your little family vacation cost the taxpayers over four million dollars. Was it really worth that kind of money for you and your family to go on yet another vacation at my expense? You have taken more vacations than any other preceeding president! You and your family spend taxpayer money like you're entitled to it! And when criticised, throw out the race card. No one wants to be considered a racist, but here's a newsflash- you and Michelle are clearly two of the most public racists ever!
No Mr. President, you clearly aren't getting the job done. You are lining the pockets of your friends and allies, you are mortgaging my children and grandchildren's future with your reckless fiscal policies, and you certainly aren't helping small businessmen like me. Perhap if you had ever actually had a private sector job you might understand my frustrations with you, but all you've ever done is "worked" in the government- leeching off taxpayers to gain your wealth and prosperity. Perhaps we need a Constitutional amendment that makes it a requirement for one to actually have held a job outside of government before they can run for political office. Either you would be disqualified or you'd have to forge another document...
Food for thought...

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